Mind Filter (26)

7 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2008-03-20 15:26 ID:Heaven

> easy to spot the energy around my hands.

You should stop dragging your wool-socked feet over carpeted floors.

> i can see little 'particles', they tend to be little, clear, ovular/circular shaped things.

Most everyone has floaters and it's not magic to be able to see them.

> i can see 'energy' flowing around the room/area.

Get an air filtration system, that dust could be harming your lungs.

> are groups of see through, day-glo orange little dots that dissapear if i focus on them.

Staring at the sun tends to do this.

> What do you make of this, anons?

At best, you're just an idiot. At worst, you have a retinal detachment.

> Am I in need of some psych drugs?

Just stop watching that Avatar shit.

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