[Debate] The Problem of Evil [Religion] (79)

58 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2012-07-06 18:10 ID:wzpQPwV6

I don't see it that way. It seems to me that the question is based on God's stipulated omnipotence.

The universe is an exact reflection, from infinitesimal moment to infinitesimal moment, of the Divine will. Nothing exists, nothing can exist, contrary to His will. In a sandstorm on the planet Mars, the path and trajectory of every individual particle of dust is chosen and controlled by God in order to advance a Divine plan for the universe. The fusing hydrogen atoms at the heart of the Sun obey Him. Every atom in the universe, every particle, every photon, every phenomenon, exists as it is, where it is, moves as it does, because that is God's exact will.

What does that imply about us, we who are made of mere matter, mere clay for the Divine hand to mold, to breathe life into, and sent on our way in the world He made?

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