Psychology is a fake science (84)

45 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2009-03-02 09:43 ID:tf+N+xAm

I see what you did there. It's as fake of a science as zoology (as noted before by other Anons). Note that I said "study" which implies both observation and/or experimentation.

Psychology is a science. It's just that there is more egotistical people in physical sciences who think psychology and similar fields are not a science because they're not as stable as physical sciences (where the next major theory that screws up the sytem appears once every several decades). The concepts of the physical sciences change very slowly in comparison to those of psychology, where changes to the entire system happen in very short periods. Also, physical sciences don't have to bother with objects with a will of their own, who can affect experiments and observations if they know about them.

Here's a question: If atoms started thinking for themselves, would chemistry still be a science?

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