...and though France was the better team in the Second half, I still think Italy deserved it, for awesome defensive skillz. (I still think the game for the 3rd place was cooler, but that is probably because I'm german ;) ). So, gratz Italy and thanks to everyone for an awesome Worldcup.
Italy deserved to win because of Zidane's 'sportsmanship.' Congrats Italy.
What makes me wonder, whatever was it that made Zidane do this seriously stupid thing? Also, I heard that over a Billon people were watching the game on TV... thats like one sixth of the worlds population. Wow. Just wow.
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And people complain that the Italians are a rough team...
That was hilarious! I mean, he didn't conform and use a traditional punch :P
He got some distance (for a "head" of steam) and went for it...way to go, Zidane!
hahahahaha....HOORAY FOR ITALY!
I hear they're selling the field the final was played on in small pieces again....the one who buys Zidane's "battleground" wins.
It's because he has been playing football for too long; he forgot he could use his hands in fighting.
Pyramidhead for the win!
USA soccer is very good.
Japan is poor soccer.
USA soccer is very good.
Japan is poor soccer.
my friends told me that italian soccer players are perverts. hence, i support france.