The Pro-Wrestling Thread (47)

1 Name: Anonymous Sports Commentator : 2006-07-11 11:57 ID:M0mQw+bu

(´∀`)< Wrestling's fake.

Yes it is. In this thread we talk about SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT BUH GAWD KEENG!

32 Name: Anonymous Sports Commentator : 2007-09-25 16:18 ID:HbOivUrc



Anyways, WWE is fake. I was watching it once, and I just turned off the television. I was laughing at how obviously fake the wrestlers are, but how, amazingly, so many people buy into it.


33 Name: Anonymous Sports Commentator : 2007-09-28 22:52 ID:nx/z2v7m

WWE is good for entertainment, at 20 years old obviously I've long outgrown it, But I can see why it has the attraction.

34 Name: Anonymous Sports Commentator : 2007-11-21 19:08 ID:fGKayt8J

I have long lost the touch of it. Though WWF was kinda cool but WCW sucked.

35 Name: Alienboombox : 2007-11-24 02:42 ID:NJ7Jwsku

I didn't know there was any dispute over the realness of it. Everybody knows it's fake, but it's still entertaining for some people. It's for people who like drama, most notably gays. If there weren't any choreographed fighting and it was only the backstage drama bullshit it would probably be very popular with women.

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37 Name: Anonymous Sports Commentator : 2007-11-27 10:10 ID:cH9lg5kB

I would completely buy that. It looks pretty gay to me.

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40 Name: One Fifty Two : 2007-12-22 02:34 ID:xcBenNjM

I have to suffer from it everyday since my brother always buys into that.
Glad there's REAL wrestling though. Y'know with Headgear (or not)

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42 Name: Anonymous Sports Commentator : 2008-02-15 09:27 ID:Heaven


Protip: Wrestling fans don't think wrestling is real.

43 Name: That Nigger From 7chan : 2008-03-19 01:42 ID:y9lAvC6E

Yes you do.

44 Name: Anonymous Sports Commentator : 2008-06-04 02:25 ID:8RM0PAF6

i love to see those men hugging each other in strange position!!!

45 Name: Anonymous Sports Commentator : 2008-07-20 13:59 ID:YFHauPXU

i remember being in denial about wrestling be fake when i was in 7th grade

46 Name: Anonymous Sports Commentator : 2008-08-15 21:30 ID:u3L9XjPv

I havent watched wrestling in forever, but I never understood why people always point out how wrestling is fake but never feel the need to do so with movies, tv shows, theatre, etc...

47 Name: Anonymous Sports Commentator : 2008-08-20 22:52 ID:t1mGraWZ

Because we like ruining the illusions and/or suspension of disbelief of idiots.

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