EPL Christmas Games (2)

1 Name: Anonymous Sports Commentator : 2006-12-25 14:13 ID:vzuGfiTw

The christmas period is a key time in the EPL Season. Whilst the rest of Europe takes a mid-season break the English clubs find they can make or break their season over christmas.

So with the pre-christmas game already over and wins for both Man Utd, Chelsea, Liverpool and Arsenal, who is going to collect 12 points from the 12 available this time?

I can see Chelsea and Man Utd slipping up somewhere along the way. They're both under alot of pressure from each other and this could let both Arsenal and Liverpool back into the title race if they manage 4 wins from 4 over the holidays.

2 Name: test !Ep8pui8Vw2 : 2015-12-08 21:50 ID:Heaven


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