Would a DDR PC2100 and up stick work fine in a 266 board? Would it be ok next to a DDR 266 stick?
should do, but it'll slow all the memory down to PC2100 speeds and may also slow down the processor clockspeed if it's a 266mhz FSB type
>all the memory down to PC2100
Wait, faster memory would slow down a slower motherboard and processor?
>>Wait, faster memory would slow down a slower motherboard and processor?
Putting a PC2700 chip in a system that only supports PC2100 (i.e. max FSB 133) is just fine. The number on the memory chip is a upper threshold.
However, if your CPU/motherboard combo allows for operation at, let's say, FSB 200 (PC3200) then if you go add that PC2700 memory then your system will operate at a max of FSB 166 (PC2700). Similarly, combining PC2700 and PC3200 ram will force all the memory to operate at PC2700 as well.
Combining PC2100, 2700 and 3200?
Everything runs at PC2100. Those are the breaks.
If anyone's interested, I've got a 512MB stick of PC2700 DDR RAM. I bought it on accident; I meant to get a teeny tiny RAM stick for my laptop, but I bought a full-sized PC stick instead because I'm a dumbass. It hasn't been used. Brand is Kinomax. Offers?
Never used? Find the new price of it, and take off half that price. That's about what you will get for it, unless you sell it to an idiot.
>>9: Are you calling hk0 an idiot? :P http://www.ramseeker.com/ gives an average of about $85 new (damned 1-800-4MEMORY ruins the curve).
By the way, the brand is Kingmax, not Kinomax. Did I mention I'm a dumbass?
I say $20 because the chance of it being damaged during shipping is high (lifetime warranties regardless). Also, because 512MB of PC3200 will be available for $60 on Black Friday, which means you've got a stick of less-than-the-fastest RAM... which loses it's value more quickly than PC3200.