NASA plans trip to Moon (9)

1 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-11-28 01:05 ID:ymOlHlLQ [Del]
"With polls showing Americans desire of space exploration, NASA has received the green signal from Congress to carry out voyages to Moon and eventually to Mars. "
"Meanwhile, a British spaceship recently entered lunar orbit for a two-year scientific reconnaissance mission. Countries like Japan, China and India also announcing their plans to launch lunar orbiters in coming years. "

2 Name: Jedi_Vader20!KxPtEJqYRA!!oLehJPXS 2004-12-06 16:44 ID:Heaven [Del]

As long as the US doesn't plan to claim the moon and mars for itself, I'm cool with it ^^

3 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-12-06 17:14 ID:v6F0EPdg [Del]

I think that the Moon and other planets are international/don't belong to anyone, but I could be wrong.

4 Name: Cyb3R H4xX0r G33k 2004-12-06 20:40 ID:6YlM6zNw [Del]

Good way to waste tax money. Go back to the moon, where we've been already.

5 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-12-07 04:46 ID:v6F0EPdg [Del]

But at the rate this planet here is getting polluted, we may need to set a foot or two on the nearest one soon, just in case. :)

6 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2004-12-07 16:34 ID:IBV4vV4g [Del]

Gotta go to the moon to get to the rest of them, unless you're going to lift all that material out of the Earth's gravity well.

7 Name: Geek 2004-12-07 19:08 ID:+lrjaWBw [Del]

So, basically. We have to pollute the moon and the other planets? NICE ONE!

8 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2004-12-07 20:18 ID:KMmSmrHg [Del]

Yeah we're totally going to DESTROY their FRAGILE ECOSYSTEMS.

9 Name: hk0!0khonVgaHI 2004-12-08 22:54 ID:r9yRcmTw [Del]


"gravity well"

I like that phrase.
I hope to use it in conversation as a metaphor to describe a situation that is difficult to reverse/change.

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