mIRC addon: Balloon Notice (9)

1 Name: Sako !srkBq83hEI 04/12/15(Wed)20:21 ID:yufBJ7yN [Del]

Not sure if it's allright to post this here, but take a look if you want. It's an anime-themed notice addon I made, for mIRC.

2 Name: CYB3R H4XX0R G33K 04/12/16(Thu)14:59 ID:Heaven [Del]

mIRC scripting? meh. I got some decent code to push.

; /xdcc list <bot>
; /xdcc <bot> <package>
alias xdcc {
if ($1 == list) {ctcp $2 xdcc list}
elseif ($1 != list) {ctcp $1 xdcc send $2}

The lazy man's way of doing XDCC :P

3 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 04/12/17(Fri)03:02 ID:Heaven [Del]

>>1: That is terribly dorky.

4 Name: Jedi_Vader20!KxPtEJqYRA!!JGEbj+wR 04/12/19(Sun)04:37 ID:Heaven [Del]

Kudos to Squeeks, I edited it a tiny bit after.

Very similar to yours, eh?

;====xdcc leech script====
; usage: /xdcc <nick> <package number>
; /xdcc list <nick>
; 1) Requests XDCC pack from server
; 2) Requests XDCC listing from server
alias xdcc {
if ($1 != list) {

query $1 xdcc send $chr(35) $+ $2

if ($1 = list) {

query $2 xdcc list


5 Name: CYB3R H4XX0R G33K 04/12/19(Sun)04:55 ID:Heaven [Del]

6 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 04/12/19(Sun)08:14 ID:SATJsHsL [Del]

irssi is a fantastic client, but if you're going that route with xdcc & fserve, might as well just use iroffer.

7 Name: CYB3R H4XX0R G33K 04/12/20(Mon)20:32 ID:Heaven [Del]


The above mIRC scripts are for clients not for rooters or people wanting to run bots. Trust me, it takes more than just a single alias to be an XDCC script.

8 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 04/12/21(Tue)06:55 ID:iU28BrOK [Del]

That's true. I'll never understand why people use mIRC for serving when they're obviously idling 95% of the time though.

I know someone whose irssi client has been up for over a year, and you can even upgrade without shutting it down. Now that's neat.

9 Name: CYB3R H4XX0R G33K 04/12/24(Fri)17:14 ID:Heaven [Del]

>>8 now if only every other piece of software could do that.

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