lol ipod shuffle (5)

1 Name: hotaru!hoTarufiRE!!Cizp3pu2 05/01/17(Mon)08:12 ID:fME+6rOa

> 2. Do not eat iPod shuffle.

2 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 05/01/18(Tue)09:27 ID:z4JMghGA

Turn any iPod into an iPod Shuffle in three easy steps:

4 Name: CYB3R H4XX0R G33K 05/02/01(Tue)02:53 ID:z8BBCjMM

Nevada-tan wrote this!

5 Name: CYB3R H4XX0R G33K 05/02/02(Wed)15:56 ID:Heaven

The MintyMP3 hardware is a standard mix of high power 8-bit microcontroller and ASICs. A single PIC18LF452 running at 20mhz (For v2 the crystal has been changed to 29.4912MHz) with the minty firmware talks to the CF flash card, navigating the FAT16 file system and loading mp3 files, then sending the data to the STA013 MP3 decoder chip. The STA013 decodes MP3 into digital audio which is then converted to linelevel audio by the CS4340 DAC. There is also a MAX576 boost regulator (optional if running from a LiIon battery) and a MAX2606 FM transmitter (optional).

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