[Windows Freeware] Browsing, EMail & Assorted Internet Techniques (11)

1 Name: CYB3R H4XX0R G33K 05/02/11(Fri)16:38 ID:Heaven

NOTE: When adding useful contributons to this thread, please just batch a few programs into one single post, so that future referals to a certain program mentioned in the thread are easier to follow.
Also please ONLY add freeware programs!

  • Firefox

Probably the most widely-known standalone browser to us here on 4-ch.

  • Thunderbird

The standalone EMail client from the Mozilla dudes. Pretty damn good so far and still in development.

  • Mozilla Suite

If you want their main product and can't be bothered with maintaing two different programs, this browser, EMail client and basic HTML composer might just be for you.

  • Opera

Not really freeware, but some prefer it over Firefox. Comes with Email client and other shit but also advertisings if you don't pay for it.

2 Name: CYB3R H4XX0R G33K 05/02/11(Fri)16:40 ID:Heaven

  • wget

This is a HTTP/FTP sucker, it'll mirror sites (take the .html, and everything linked), it'll read a txt of URLs, and download all of them, it'll tell websites that it's really ie explorer if they're configured to only send files to broswers like IE, and mozilla, it'll do everything, and more.

  • httrack

Let's you mirror entire websites, or strip all the images from a certain site/page.

3 Name: CYB3R H4XX0R G33K 05/02/11(Fri)16:41 ID:Heaven

  • AM-DeadLink

Searches through your bookmarks, looks for duplicates, tests if the adresses are still available and notifies you of any errors that might occur afterwards, with pretty good options to take care of any problems and have a clean bookmark folder/file again.

4 Name: CYB3R H4XX0R G33K 05/02/11(Fri)16:43 ID:Heaven

  • Genius

Accessible from a taskbar System Tray menu, this rich
toolchest includes a wide variety of stand-alone Internet utilities. It includes a finger client, a finger server, an FTP client, an HTTP browser, a ping utility, a trace route tool, an SMTP client.

NOTE: I do not know whether this software is stable as of now or whether someone else continues it.

5 Name: CYB3R H4XX0R G33K 05/02/11(Fri)16:44 ID:Heaven

  • floppyfw

A router with the advanced firewall-capabilities in Linux that fits on one single floppy disc.
Access lists, IP-masquerading (Network Address Translation), connection tracked packet filtering and (quite) advanced routing. Package for traffic shaping is also available.
Requires only a 386sx or better with two network interface cards, a 1.44MB floppy drive and 12MByte of RAM ( for less than 12M and no FPU, use the 1.0 series, which will stay maintained. )
DHCP server and DNS cache for internal networks.

6 Name: CYB3R H4XX0R G33K 05/02/11(Fri)16:45 ID:Heaven

  • Kana DynDns Updater

Easy to use, very clean and it works wonderfully. Use it for all your DNS updating needs.

7 Name: CYB3R H4XX0R G33K 05/02/11(Fri)16:48 ID:Heaven

  • Smart-FTP

Free FTP client.


I have no idea why they developed their pay-product into such garbage in the last years or why they left their free product (which is pretty damn awesome and minimalistic) on their ftp-space (doesn't seem to be available anywhere else anymore), but here you go:

  • WinSCP

An open-source SFTP and SCP client. Small, fast, excellent.

8 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 05/02/12(Sat)11:57 ID:Heaven

  • Putty

Related to above. It's an SSH and telnet client. No windows machine should be without one.


9 Name: !WAHa.06x36 05/02/12(Sat)13:36 ID:hnxp1OkE

Did anyone make any kind of virtual filesystem for SCP on Windows? Such a thing would be very useful, much more so than these eighties-era FTP-style programs.

10 Name: hotaru!hoTarufiRE!!Cizp3pu2 05/02/12(Sat)20:37 ID:wgz072bk

  • cygwin

a linux-like environment for windows

  • cdrecord

cd and dvd burning software

  • gaim

a multi-protocol instant messaging client

  • terraIM

an extremely small AIM client

  • gnucleus

an open source gnutella and G2 client

  • foobar2000

an advanced audio player

11 Name: hotaru!hoTarufiRE!!Cizp3pu2 05/02/12(Sat)20:45 ID:wgz072bk

  • filezilla

ftp client with sftp support

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