This thread is supposed to maintain general feedback on the [Windows Freeware] threads, contribute general information on where to find freeware for windows and collect other useful knowledge.
Sites that keep useful ressources on useful freeware programs:
Threads I started so far:
[Windows Freeware] System Tweaking & Security
[Windows Freeware] Booting & Shutting Down
[Windows Freeware] File Management & Disk Space Optimizing
[Windows Freeware] Browsing, EMail & Assorted Internet Techniques
[Windows Freeware] Antivirus and -spyware, Registry cleaners &c
Thread subjects I will cover in the near future:
Everything about burning, mounting related stuff
Kinda related to ISO but specifically targetted at multimedia stuff
Were six different threads really necessary for this, or even one single post per program in those threads?
I thought about putting them all in one thread but then realized it were far too many programs and too broad a range. Also, a few more threads don't hurt anyone, really.
And I specifically stated why I put some of the programs mentioned into seperate posts, thanks for reading that.
I don't see a problem. It's good stuff.
New threads:
[Windows Freeware] General Media, Ripping & Burning
[Windows Freeware] Visual Media, Ripping & Burning
[Windows Freeware] Audio Media, Ripping & Burning
Question, how do you make the circle like mark?
(ps. it's an unordered HTML list)
bump for usefulness ( ´∀`)