[Windows Freeware] Meta Thread (9)

1 Name: CYB3R H4XX0R G33K 05/02/11(Fri)17:11 ID:Heaven

This thread is supposed to maintain general feedback on the [Windows Freeware] threads, contribute general information on where to find freeware for windows and collect other useful knowledge.

Sites that keep useful ressources on useful freeware programs:


Threads I started so far:

[Windows Freeware] System Tweaking & Security

[Windows Freeware] Booting & Shutting Down

[Windows Freeware] File Management & Disk Space Optimizing

[Windows Freeware] Browsing, EMail & Assorted Internet Techniques

[Windows Freeware] Antivirus and -spyware, Registry cleaners &c

Thread subjects I will cover in the near future:

  • ISO

Everything about burning, mounting related stuff

  • General Media, Ripping & Burning

Kinda related to ISO but specifically targetted at multimedia stuff

  • Visual Media
  • Audio Media
  • P2P
  • Chat

2 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 05/02/11(Fri)22:32 ID:NRdqGkz7

Were six different threads really necessary for this, or even one single post per program in those threads?

3 Name: 1 05/02/11(Fri)23:51 ID:Heaven


I thought about putting them all in one thread but then realized it were far too many programs and too broad a range. Also, a few more threads don't hurt anyone, really.

And I specifically stated why I put some of the programs mentioned into seperate posts, thanks for reading that.

4 Name: CYB3R H4XX0R G33K 05/02/12(Sat)08:40 ID:Heaven

I don't see a problem. It's good stuff.

5 Name: CYB3R H4XX0R G33K 05/02/13(Sun)02:01 ID:Heaven

New threads:

[Windows Freeware] General Media, Ripping & Burning

[Windows Freeware] Visual Media, Ripping & Burning

[Windows Freeware] Audio Media, Ripping & Burning

6 Name: CYB3R H4XX0R G33K 05/02/13(Sun)19:49 ID:Heaven

Question, how do you make the circle like mark?

8 Name: CYB3R H4XX0R G33K 05/02/15(Tue)15:53 ID:Heaven

(ps. it's an unordered HTML list)

9 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-08-16 17:03 ID:jSyMGZZV

bump for usefulness ( ´∀`)

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