Speaking of soldering, my mobo busted two solders a while ago.
There is that tiny chipset, and on it there is that enormous heatsink clamped on it, held with a spring onto two small U-shaped hooks that are soldered on the mobo. The mobo is placed vertically, and so there is additional strain on the hooks from the weight of the heatsink.
Well, one day the hooks popped out. ^^; And shortly after the computer started to behave erratically, so that heatsink is really needed. I put some superglue on the hooks and reclamped the sink. Lo and below, the glue didnt last long and the sink sank again. I used another brand of superglue and poured a lot of glue this time. It has been holding well since.
And this is from a brand name mobo. I hope that this was the only cheap soldering on this mobo. Maybe they used a crappy compound for the soldering batch of this mobo? Or just the engineers didnt account for the weight of the heatsink?