Let's fold @ home (157)

1 Name: CYB3R H4XX0R G33K 05/02/22(Tue)00:22 ID:MBjcNZzX

"Folding@Home is a distributed computing project which studies protein folding, misfolding, aggregation, and related diseases. We use novel computational methods and large scale distributed computing, to simulate timescales thousands to millions of times longer than previously achieved. This has allowed us to simulate folding for the first time, and to now direct our approach to examine folding related disease."

English translation: Hay guys, run our screen saver and help cure nasty shit like Alzheimer's. Also compare your internet penis size with other communities.

Team 4-ch: http://vspx27.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=42861
Our forefathers: http://vspx27.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
4chan/world4ch lacks a team (unless it's named something less then obvious), someone can post there if they want.

Start folding, and maybe someday W.T.Snacks will not be filled with AIDS.

77 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-08-12 21:51 ID:KgnhvOw+

How would you go about measuring the actual power consumption of your computers?

78 Name: 76 2005-08-13 03:25 ID:Heaven

I own a fancy-pants UPS which tells me how much total it's drawing.

79 Name: Furi!EuK0M02kkg 2005-08-13 06:33 ID:Heaven

I too could leave all my machines idle and they'd likely draw very little power as well, but that's a moot point. The reason I'm running Folding is because they'd otherwise be sitting there idle cycling (they're servers, I need them running).

I'm talking about a few lightbulbs for all the machines in total, too.

As for measuring power consumption, you can get devices called clamp meters that measure the current flow through a wire with an inductance coil. It's basically a (non-contact) loop of wire that senses electric field strength in the wire. You then multiply the current by the voltage (240V here in Australia) and you have the power consumption in watts. Or, as >>78 suggests, your UPS can tell you. :) Clamp meters (and other dedicated tools for power readings) are pretty expensive.

80 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-08-13 12:36 ID:Heaven

There's one thing all computers are really good at: space heaters. Just think: you're heating your house, but you get CPU cycles too!

We should replace all central furnaces with big-ass CPUs post-haste.

81 Name: Furi!EuK0M02kkg 2005-08-13 15:47 ID:Heaven

I was pondering the possibility earlier today, while sitting in a friend's flat, with their 7ft-tall rack cabinet open.
Outside temperature: 8 degrees celcius
Inside temperature: 20 degrees celcius

I like this idea. I can run my 2000 watt blower heater. Or, I could run about 20 Pentium4 boxen. Can you imagine the amount of folding that could do!?

Pity my machines don't heat the house up much. My house is spacious, and the machines are far apart.
Shirayuki: Hanging under my floorboards
Karen: Loungeroom
Ichigo: Bedroom, under my desk.

It'll never work. :(

82 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-08-14 13:06 ID:Heaven

One problem with CPUs is that the fans are noisy. If you can't go the central-heating route (which would be expensive, alas), you can always go the nutcase nouveau geek artist route:

Cover one entire wall with fanless ARM chips. Or just do the whole room.

As an added bonus you can sell cycles to your local university to somewhat defray the large amount of money you just paid. You might also be able to find a few biologists who want to test the effects of electromagnetic fields on their rats.

83 Name: Furi!EuK0M02kkg 2005-08-14 17:52 ID:Heaven

Haha, now that's a novel idea.

"This just in, wallpaper out, silicon is IN, folks!"

(CPU fans need not be noisy. Most stock heatsink fans aren't too bad, especially the last P4 one I picked up a while ago, IMO. And you can always get aftermarket quiet fans/passive heatsinks.)

84 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-08-15 07:30 ID:Heaven

Yeah, they don't need to be loud, but a few hundred fans tends to add up. On the other hand, they also really help with air flow.

It'd probably be cheaper to get some large fans at the end of the rows to circulate air in the room. For added alpha-geekiness, add neon lighting to the fan.

Or do it Blade Runner style: one huge man-sized fan at the end of the room venting the heat to the rest of the house. Leave the room dark, add some smoke machines, and backlight the big-ass fan.

I'm sure the lab rats will appreciate the awesomeness of it.

85 Name: Furi!EuK0M02kkg 2005-08-16 02:59 ID:Heaven

Hell yeah, I'd go for that.

86 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-08-16 12:44 ID:gA5Kk79A

hmm... i already have a big-ass fan and a bunch of old processors (and can get more free)... and i can get smoke machines really cheap... i'm so going to do this and probably post pictures when i finish it (probably in a few years...)

87 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-08-18 02:58 ID:Heaven

60000 GET!

88 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-08-28 05:25 ID:Heaven

Top 2000 GET!

89 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-12-08 08:26 ID:FMwLvY3j

checking back, we 100000got while no one was looking and are approaching 200000get and top 1000 get

also: damn furinkan is a beast

90 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-12-11 17:44 ID:WJtgct6v

91 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-12-11 22:27 ID:Heaven

A 4chan has appeared!

92 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-12-14 05:22 ID:1Jln0+YF


93 Name: AGF 2006-01-18 02:18 ID:Heaven

11th place GET!

94 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-02-11 05:32 ID:afGGlRr1

been using:
1.6GHz turion
733MHz pentium 3
just added:
2.8GHz pentium 4

> Team Ranking: 1040 of 42718

still not in the top 1000?

95 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-02-11 06:47 ID:FMwLvY3j

Thanks for aging, I've been forgetting to run this for a couple days

96 Name: KJI!XDpPLAUYlQ 2006-02-12 23:48 ID:/Qw57ANQ

Heh, I forgot all about this, eventhough I said I would join in. Thanks for aging.

Main: Athlon 64 3200+
Also: (2) 833 MHz Pentium 3s.

97 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-02-13 17:14 ID:afGGlRr1

some interesting observations... http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=osstats
Windows MFLOPS/Active CPU: 949.038
Mac OS X MFLOPS/Active CPU: 571.755
Linux MFLOPS/Active CPU: 1207.912

98 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-02-13 20:21 ID:Heaven

Weird how nobody using anything other than Windows, MacOS X, or Linux is participating. You'd expect at least a few BeOS, BSD, etc. users in there.

99 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-02-14 04:22 ID:afGGlRr1

bsd is counted as linux.

100 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-02-14 12:41 ID:Heaven

covertly got 100

101 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-02-20 00:00 ID:Heaven

Ya' know, it's sort of sad how we're not even #1000, and some site called "Toon Town Central" is #99.

102 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-02-20 10:45 ID:Heaven

Toon Town is an awesome game, I know a guy that is a programmer for it. Although, having to have a friend code to talk is annoying, the game is designed with the kiddie in mind.. not the college students that beta tested it.

103 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2006-03-14 19:30 ID:+Il48lIv


104 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2006-04-11 18:02 ID:FWeKFotF

age for the road to 300,000 GET and TOP 1000 GET

105 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2006-04-15 15:16 ID:Qa3/N9HT

106 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2006-04-16 03:06 ID:2wnLwWeq

> Team rank: 993

That's probably more accurate. The other one includes aggregate teams.

107 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2006-04-24 06:14 ID:ct0sH3ra

Ugh... we're falling behind.

108 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2006-04-25 02:04 ID:1VM/Fl2L

it's not my fault

well i suppose it is for buying a mac mini


109 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2006-04-25 10:49 ID:2JuYM6LB


There aint nothing wrong with a mac mini, for as long as its participating.

110 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2006-07-09 18:11 ID:2JuYM6LB

age because that stupid team 4chan is catching up to us ( ̄ー ̄)

111 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2006-09-05 03:54 ID:Heaven

3rd place GET!
but furinkan still has almost 4.5 times my score... orz

112 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2006-09-08 03:37 ID:Qa3/N9HT

113 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2006-09-08 12:15 ID:ay+gNx0C

I'd help, but all my processors are currently occupied with stuff from wcg... though I'll probably change that when I have time since my team's pretty much dead.

114 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2006-09-13 12:51 ID:bvD+xlG+

4chan beat us....guess it was inevitable, since they have such a large userbase compared to us.

115 Name: vipper : 2006-10-30 09:11 ID:c/tMJzMC


gonna fold some proteins! gonna foooooooooooooooold

116 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2006-11-06 19:21 ID:Qy2rLs4+

Top10 GET! Yay... though we're still falling -.-

117 Name: Stuff : 2006-11-09 10:42 ID:X3UUoR6l

Ive been doing the folding@home stuff for 4chan for quite awhile now.

4chan's team link:

4-Ch's page seems a bit less then 4chans, but i don't know the uptime for both teams. 2-ch's page has a lot of what seems to be ppl that have started, then got bored of it.

is there a way to change teams and keep your score? it seems that 4chan is dead and full of newbs and so forth now-a days. my folding computer is an old 933 p3 with 512 pc133 and it just runs a dchub and such.

118 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2006-11-12 04:55 ID:Qa3/N9HT

> is there a way to change teams and keep your score?

there's no way to take your points away from 4chan's team and give them to 4-ch's if that's what you're asking.

119 Name: Stuff : 2006-11-13 02:22 ID:X3UUoR6l

I've been on 4-ch now since the 9th and i am still showing up on 4chans team. i changed the team # on the client and restarted it to.

120 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2006-11-13 06:01 ID:nPml4gH6

You should show up on 4-ch's page when you finish a work unit.

121 Name: Stuff : 2006-11-16 11:49 ID:X3UUoR6l

its been since the 9th and the pos hasnt finished one yet. keeps saying 4hrs till finish..

122 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2006-12-12 23:34 ID:Lu6Hey2X

123 Name: Stuff : 2006-12-14 16:46 ID:GNWQIU0r

not quite sure what to make of those lines...

124 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2006-12-31 19:18 ID:Qa3/N9HT

the "trend line" on that graph doesn't look good ,_,

125 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-01-12 04:38 ID:UzI07sdl

I recently made it onto the top 5000 list for the default team. I'm working on my 195th WU right now. I joined the project after
my cousin died of cancer at age 24 in 2005.

126 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-01-13 15:19 ID:QEeb0yqI

Let's see if we can turn the trend line around then.

127 Name: Stuff : 2007-01-23 09:20 ID:ETG4VSO3

well my little box is chugging away. already did 3 units. they seem to stick me with huge work loads...

128 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-02-24 20:56 ID:JKtEFrbg

Guys, we're moving up!

I can't use my own processor anymore, but please join the team and get the jump on the hideously named <3vil-g33ks>!

129 Name: MOOSE!PvHEudHNso : 2007-03-04 23:04 ID:CviOApgZ

Idle time going to f@h.

130 Name: Stuff : 2007-03-07 07:15 ID:GEKqSVia

my little box is still chugging away. i had a hell of a big unit. 20000 pieces or something. anyhow i plan to leave it go for as long as possible. mother had lymphoma/luchemia and every bit helps.

131 Name: J3ph_42!dXldY3fJbY : 2007-04-07 18:57 ID:r17RHshm

Just joined. Core0 is on 103750 of 125000, core1 is on step 110000 of 250000. Hopefully one of those will be done by tomorrow or Monday so I'll have some numbers to add to the team.

132 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-04-07 23:53 ID:Qw4bhOZI

jumps on bandwagon

I just got F@H and joined the team. Happy folding, guys.

133 Name: Hinaichigo!Eb5JLLg6DU : 2007-04-08 13:20 ID:0D2QGkB8

How often is the program supposed to update the status? I just started, and it's been saying "Completed 0 out of 5000000 steps (0)" for ten minutes now.

134 Name: J3ph_42!dXldY3fJbY : 2007-04-08 14:22 ID:Heaven

It will update when you complete a work unit. (If you haven't finished any, your stats will not show up on the site yet). It will tell you when it has completed 1% of that WU (50,000 steps). Also, what did you do to get a work unit that big? Anything, or just pure luck?

135 Name: Hinaichigo!Eb5JLLg6DU : 2007-04-08 17:19 ID:6pNXFE+D

I just used the default configuration, apart from username and group. So I guess it was pure luck - if you can call it that.

I'm doing this on my home server box which is an old PowerMac with a 500MHz G4 processor, so it's not exactly a top-of-the-line machine by today's standards, and I hope it'll be sufficient to finish the WU before it expires. Still at "0 steps".

136 Name: J3ph_42!dXldY3fJbY : 2007-04-08 22:15 ID:r17RHshm

>>135 It will just take time. Though, my Athlon64 takes about 3 days for a WU of 250000 steps (1/20th the size of your WU). Though that is with it having to constantly yield to me gaming, and AV scans.

137 Name: J3ph_42!dXldY3fJbY : 2007-04-13 11:47 ID:r17RHshm

Anyone else find themselves unable to upload to F@H? I can get new work, but my finished WUs aren't uploading.

138 Name: Anonimous : 2007-04-19 11:09 ID:tcb1y1x1

I'm in.

139 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-07-13 19:56 ID:c4HoQzT1

updated MFLOPS/Active CPU:
Windows: 953.456
Mac OS X/PPC: 765.624
Mac OS X/Intel: 3201.708
Linux: 1707.140
GPU: 59506.531
PS3: 18086.720

i'm thinking maybe i should buy a couple X1900s and throw windows xp on the old 500MHz machine that i'm not using...

140 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-07-16 23:33 ID:Lu6Hey2X

We are now on top of 3vil-n3rds by 80+ ranks, but we're not yet in the top 1000 and we're losing ground. So, keep cranking out those units!

141 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-07-17 01:46 ID:ccR6YtCP

I'll be folding again once Apple releases the new iMac, and I can upgrade to a computer where running any intensive application doesn't risk kernel panics. Come on, you bastards!

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146 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-09-27 17:04 ID:ccR6YtCP


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148 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-10-17 21:35 ID:Jp4lpyMt


149 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-10-18 11:11 ID:ry0iV59D

Just overclocked to 3.04ghz for the sake of the project!

150 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2008-06-06 12:15 ID:tcMNDrFW

(∩゚Д゚)∩ age!!

151 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2008-06-15 10:38 ID:eDXt9NfL

fold@home is out.
http://fold.it/ is teh winrar

152 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2008-06-15 20:02 ID:zBNd9d5z

that actually takes effort, though

153 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2008-06-18 11:15 ID:eOl9KjdV

It's far more efficient to exploit the puzzle solving ability of humans to tell the computer a correct solution rather than having the computer check every possible solution. Every person that gets success while playing this game will greatly contribute to this whole effort.

154 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2008-06-29 21:00 ID:Heaven

What if this is all bullshit?

I mean, with all the computing power that is out there, especially supercomputing clusters - if this could plausibly offer a solution wouldn't more people be behind it?

155 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2008-07-13 09:24 ID:ZkCqBAV0

>>154 O_o there are many people behind it. but ofcourse it could be really all bs. but who cares. you can't find out if you don't try.

156 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2008-10-06 09:37 ID:AqHKIQPK

bumping because squeeks should make it official and post about it in the news

157 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2008-10-08 00:44 ID:oG6s3IBE

Fuck Sony, FUCK EM!!

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