MPAA killing even more rights (3)

1 Name: Cyber Akuma!9pQvCy3xq2 2005-05-13 19:23 ID:Heaven

>>>A week after we reported on the court rejection of the broadcast flag, the MPAA is working on new legislation to broaden the FCC's power. From the article: "The draft bill says, simply, that the FCC will 'have authority to adopt regulations governing digital television apparatus necessary to control the indiscriminate redistribution of digital television broadcast content over digital networks.' The DC Circuit nixed the flag on the grounds that the FCC didn't have the authority. This language would clear that up."

How nice, now the FCC will practically become a mini-government that can make their OWN laws on what any electronic device can and can't do.

And considering that the US is attempting to completely switch over to HDtv in a few years, that means a possibility of not being able to record anything broadcasted on tv in the next few years.

2 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-05-13 20:33 ID:Heaven


3 Name: Cyber Akuma!9pQvCy3xq2 2005-05-13 23:46 ID:qtxLZqqu

I posted the link in that last topic, apparently it made clicking my name a link.

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