Open war between the two sides championing differing next-generation DVD formats appears likely, following failed peace talks.
Supporters of the HD DVD and Blu-Ray disc formats met in Tokyo on Monday, but failed to find accord, but discussions will continue.
but but... what about the consumer's opinion? Will he be yet another casualty?
they are always the casualty.
The idea of building product that do what the customer wants is long dead in the A/V business, except when it comes to cheapass chinese ripoffs.
>The idea of building product that do what the customer wants is long dead in the A/V business, except when it comes to cheapass chinese ripoffs.
...and OSS/similar coders who constantly have Damocles' lawsuit hanging over their heads.
But I guess they don't really count as a part of "the business".
> A/V
I keep parsing that as "Adult Video"... orz
> But I guess they don't really count as a part of "the business".
Well on the topic of "business", the OSS A/V area is going to have lots of fun come EU Patents get around to it. My my, wont Microsoft, Dolby and the MPEG consortium have a wild time.
Wont happen. Too many large corporations such as IBM and RedHat are against it, and have an interest in keeping the world patent-free. IBM being the bigger of the two.
If IBM ever did want the world to go patent-free, they probably could. They'd just crush everyone with that massive IP portfolio of theirs.
See, IBM is the world's largest patent holder. :p
I predict Blu-rays, because sony is using them for games and that will make the disks cheaper to produce.
>I predict Blu-rays, because sony is using them for games and that will make the disks cheaper to produce.
Blu-ray is also the perfect format for evangelion re-releases.
"Fears that the DVD format war might not fizzle out, and that we might not be left with a single next generation DVD format, seem to have to come to be. Ken Kutaragi, president of Sony, has said a unified next-generation DVD standard is currently unlikely."
"It now looks like we will be definitely seeing separate Blu-Ray disk and HD DVD products on the market, with any promise of format integration now gone."
> Blu-ray is also the perfect format for evangelion re-releases.