Digital Camcorders (4)

1 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-09-02 15:55 ID:Xi03xerI

Hey guys,

I'm looking into getting a digital camcorder, but I don't know where to look, or what's hot these days. Any halp?

2 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-09-08 18:59 ID:xyi1ybr9

Get one with a high megapixel count, anything under 4 is useless

3 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-09-09 12:26 ID:Heaven

Four megapixel camcorder?

4 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-09-10 00:40 ID:Heaven

I have know idea, really.
What i'm looking for is:

* Small
* Simple importing for editing (software?) and being able to burn to dvd's later.

I've heard of DV, but doesn't it take a long time to import video from a tape? :<

This looks pretty good:

Does anyone know about anything a bit less quality and price?

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