There was this application you could use to check your folders if you have any pictures twice (with different names or sizes) and I thought it was quite useful, but I forgot to back it up and - as if it wasn´t enough - I can´t remember it´s name.
Can you help me out, plz?
This really could have gone in here:
[HELP] Single questions & Help Thread [n00b]
If you're looking for something that will tell you of duplicate files, perhaps md5sum or sha1sum coupled with sort will do what you want?
Not sure where you'd get Windows equivalents though... it may be easier to install Cygwin ( ).
In Cygwin, you'd cd to the appropriate folder (e.g. /cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/user/My Documents -- whereever it is), then run:
find . -type f -exec md5sum "{}" \; | sort -i > listing.txt
Now open up listing.txt. Identical files will appear with the same MD5sum.