"BSD-Linux Gangsters" <- wtf? (35)

15 Name: Redhatter 2005-09-26 00:33 ID:Heaven

May 21 11:27:26 --- Cardoe has changed the topic to: Gentoo Development || bugs.g.o upgraded, have at it | Bugs slow at 1400UTC? Backups are running, so chill | Do NOT use epkgmove, you'll catch syphilis || Please check over dev.gentoo.org/distfile-mirroring/failure.xml for failed ebuild fetches, and contact ferringb about issues || nemo.amd64.dev is back online! || Trustees 2005 election results at http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.nfp/252 || new gcc-4 CFLAG... -fomfg-fast-speed

^^ #gentoo-dev, irc.freenode.net. That little tidbit at the end stayed for some weeks.

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