I just got my first mac a few days ago, and I'm wondering if there are any specific apps ppl here would recommend.
I've been trying to find that one OSX-tan widget for a while now but had no luck =/
Any programs to make tiger purr would be great!
I've already installed an adblocker for safari(which works wonderfully), and got divx working on quicktime 7 pro.
Oh and before any of you windoz peeps starts bashing macs... I made the switch to mac from linux =P
Video: VLC, Xine
Text-Editor: TextWrangler
Instant Messaging: Adium
Other than the stock applications, I don't think there is much else that I use, apart from Photoshop etc.
This thread already exists: http://4-ch.net/tech/kareha.pl/1117579382
OS X is two characters. :P Yes, see the earlier thread.
D'oh! I mean, OS X is two words.
Anyway, just to add some content here... you said you came from Linux. DarwinPorts is great for getting OSS installed on your Mac, fairly easily. There's another project out there called Fink that also does this, and Fink is also quite a bit easier to use, but I've had better luck finding stuff I want which actually works with DarwinPorts. http://darwinports.opendarwin.org/
okay then... what about the osx-tan widget? any idea where I can find it?
sage for reduntant thread.
Double sage for misspelling. (*^ー゚)b
[HELP] Single questions & Help Thread [n00b]
You are aware that really long threads suck, right? Especially if people are interleaving discussions. Ugh.
No, long threads do not really suck. Many threads with almost no activity suck. If you have a question or a request that can be answered or fulfilled with in 5 or less posts and is likely to not generate much interest in further discussion, do it in there.
Long threads is how 2ch-style forums work best. It's a good way to gather information in one place instead of spreading it out where it will never be found.
I disagree, long threads are good for gathering junk questions. Good thread titles (which are rare) are good for finding information.
Yes, that's exactly what I meant: Long threads are good for gathering junk questions; many short threads are bad for gathering junk questions.
Who is supposed to know when something will spark a discussion? Just looking at the amplify mic input thread shows a little debate on...well, something I don't really understand.
> Who is supposed to know when something will spark a discussion?
I dunno, common sense?
Anyway, I don't really want to continue discussing this here, it's way off-topic.
Maybe somebody can set up some kind of meta-selfmoderation thread.
holy crap why is this thead alive?
Because you posted in it. GJ!