Japanese Language Support in Windows XP (16)

1 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-11-19 23:48 ID:+oQ2Iz0T

So I've finally come to make the move from JWin98SE to WinXPPSP2 (Corporate), but I can't seem to get East Asian Languages to install.

I read in various places (http://greggman.com/japan/xp-ime/xp-ime.htm) the procedure: Control Panel > Regional and Language Settings > Languages > Install files for East Asian Languages. When I do this, a dialog pops up that says there's ~230MB of files to be copied from the "Windows XP Service Pack 2 CD," which I "OK," but, with the XPPSP2 install disc in the drive, another dialog pops up saying that it can't find "X:\i386\lang\imlang.dll;imlang.dl_".

I've tried a number of different install discs, all labeled "SP2," but none of them seem to have this file anywhere on them.

The only thing I can think of would be that this imlang.dll is in not part of the ["slipstreamed SP2"] install, but the SP2 package, and that the disc the dialog refers to is the SP2 disc available from Microsoft (http//www.michttp://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/updates/sp2/cdorder/en_us/default.mspx), from which one can then in turn figure that this imlang.dll suite is available for download from 'Microsoft Update'..?

The whole thing has me wholly confused. My goal is to compile a stripped-down XP install disc (without IE, Outlook, WMP, etc.) with Japanese language support, which I didn't expect to be so time consuming!

Any help is much, MUCH appreciated!

2 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-11-20 00:52 ID:Heaven

It should let you choose an alternate file.


3 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-11-20 03:24 ID:YLwf09QS

japanese language support is easy in windows xp... we need a thread about japanese language support in kde...

4 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-11-20 06:18 ID:fmSKWqXf

First, thanks very much for the thought and help! It does allow me to browse for an alternate file, and when I select this one it does load it and continue, but almost immediately the installation stops again, saying it can't find a great lot of other files (WINPY.IME, WINSP.IME, WINZM.IME, PINTLGNT.IME, and on..), all apparently supposed to be in this X:\i386\lang\ directory!

I can't figure it out, where the hell'd they go so uniformly?

The only thing I can think to do is ask and hope that someone might upload the entire (230+MB, yeesh!) 'LANG' directory somewhere. The only thing I could do in return is seed it for a great long time, and release this streamlined install disc I'm trying to build as soon as it's bolted down, which should take no time at all.

What a mess I've gotten myself into.

Again, any help's much appreciated. Thanks again.

5 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-11-20 23:45 ID:mPawuR/G


6 Name: Redhatter 2005-11-21 05:13 ID:Heaven

>>3 As >>5 said... install the kde-i18n-jp package.

In Gentoo:

# *echo 'LINGUAS="jp"' >> /etc/make.conf*
# *emerge kde-i18n*

Others, I think have individual packages for the different languages. Or you can just download the source from your local KDE mirror under kde/stable/VERSION/src/kde-i18n/kde-i18n-LANG-VERSION.tar.bz2.

7 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-12-16 19:42 ID:YLwf09QS

so how do i type japanese after installing the kde-i18n-jp package?

8 Name: Albright!JkSCwtLxS6 2005-12-16 23:00 ID:Heaven

Rape your mom in the ass lol

9 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-12-17 14:36 ID:Heaven

10 Name: Redhatter 2005-12-17 16:00 ID:Heaven

>>7 That I do not know ... having never needed to type Japanese characters. (It wouldn't do me any good; one first must be able to speak the language)

Perhaps the KDE i18n lists would be the best place to ask?

>>8 Now really... was that helpful? Seemingly not.

11 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2005-12-18 12:17 ID:Heaven

>>8 is an impostor.

12 Name: Almighty Sage-san!5x11V5/RJg 2005-12-19 02:52 ID:Heaven

>>11 is an impostor.

13 Name: Albright!zkraGArAss 2005-12-20 12:50 ID:Heaven

>>13 is an impostor.

14 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-12-20 18:55 ID:Heaven

>>13 is an albright

15 Name: Albright!glEUZP7Tj6 2005-12-21 00:11 ID:Heaven

sup, 4ch

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