I'm having problems with incorrect rendering of AA in MS PGothic on Mac OS with Gecko-based browsers. Currently I'm using the Camino nightly build but the problem happens in recent Firefoxen as well.
Basically what it looks like is that AA which should have proportional spaces is always coming out with full-width spaces. I'm certain that I've got MS PGothic selected and not MS Gothic, but the problem persists. If anyone can suggest a place to post them, I can put up screenshots.
Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me?
PS: I just checked with Safari and I don't have the problem. The AA is not exactly lined up perfectly as it appears in MSIE on Windows, but it's close enough. So the problem is confined to Gecko.
have you tried using monafont?
I just tried the Mona font (ca. 2003) and the two newer IPA Mona fonts IPAMonaPGothic and IPAMonaUIGothic. None of them worked correctly, I still got garbled AA.
Looking at the problems in the AA, it looks like the proportional ASCII spaces used in the AA are being misinterpreted as kana/kanji fullwidth spaces.
I tried looking for answers out there but what I found looked like it was all Windows specific. Searching for bugs reports for Gecko also got me nowhere. This makes me think that it's just my system because nobody else is reporting it.
Can anyone think of what might be wrong?
Rendering of Mona on OS X in Gecko is 100% fucked up in new versions. Tracking and leading is completely random. I'm sure there's a bug filed somewhere you can go vote for or some shit, if you can figure out where and how.