My girlfriend is running XP Pro SP2, and after she had to install Windows Media Player 10, it's giving her all kinds of strange errors and now she can't log in as an administrator. She was able to reboot in Safe Mode as a local admin and create a new admin user, then reboot and go into normal mode, but her System Restore won't run, saying alternatively that it doesn't exist and that she has an admin user.
She's running a chkdsk /r as we speak. Does anyone have any ideas on how to force a System Restore or manually roll back WMP 10? She has net access so I can send her files, etc. Any help is appreciated.
Link is broken, but if that's what I think it is, it requires System Restore to work... which doesn't work. :-/
The link works fine, and it doesn't require system restore.
What it's telling you is how to uninstall WMP completely. After that reinstalling it hopefully won't be a problem.