A while back I downloaded a program to help me troubleshoot my iPod. The only thing is, now that I'm done with the program I can't delete it, rename it or move it to any other folders. Whenever I try to remove it form my desktop I get an error message saying I can't do anything with it because the program is already running. This message appears even after I closed the program (well, the program won't even open anymore) and I closed the process using the Task Manager.
Please help me!
Is it a legit program that's actually from Apple proper? It sounds like the "utility" you downloaded might have actually been malware.
It is. I think there was just some crazy error and I don't know how to fix it.
If you're on Windows try running msconfig.exe and look under the "Startup" tab if the program is listed there. If so, disable it, reboot, delete it.
On OS X look under "System Preferences" -> "Accounts" -> "Startup Items" or "Login Items" (depending on your OS version). Disable, reboot, delete.
Booting either OS in safe mode should achive the same.
>using the Task Manager.
== Windows
What is the exact name of the program? I still can't believe this program is legit; mainly because I know of no iPod troubleshooting programs from Apple for the Mac, so I don't know about there being a Windows one.
Go into regedit (Run: regedit)
Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Delete any instances of the program you're talking about. A troubleshooting program shouldn't be in there for any reason I can think of. If you found any instances, restart and try to delete the program again. If it doesn't work, try going into safe mode and deleting it.
I have to agree with >>5, this program doesn't sound too great.