I want to leave a copy of the message when i retrieve e-mail from pop but is there a wake to mark the copy that is still on the mailserver as read?
Tools>Accounts>Properties(of your account)>Advanced tab>mark "Leave a copy of messages on server" checkbox
The process is automatic so you won't download old messages again to the same computer.
out of curiosity why are you using outlook express?
probably because there are no good free mail clients for windows...
mozilla thunderbird is better than outlook express, but it fails for being made of gecko (= insane memory usage)
that's for your help 2 but I'm trying to mark the copy on the server as read. I leave a copy on the server already because I don't want outlook screwing up and crashing so it deletes the e-mail but then corrupts it so I lose it entirely. my question is how to have it mark the e-mail copy that is on the webserv as "alread read". i use another program to check my pop e-mail and notify me if new e-mail has arrived but because outlook only copies the e-mails to my computer and leaves the one's on the webserver unchanged, the pop e-mail checking program i'm using keeps thinking I haven't checked my e-mail.
and i'm using outlook because I started off using outlook from way back in the day. in retrospect, i would have liked to use something else but at the same time, i don't want to migrate to a new program now because i'm so settled into this one. I have considered using the thunderbird thing though. perhaps it has the option I am looking for...
i was thinking more of something like kmail...
What about Pegasus Mail?
And then there's Opera...
> What about Pegasus Mail?
> And then there's Opera...
i've never tried pegasus mail, but from the screenshots i just found with google, it looks even worse than opera (http://4-ch.net/net/kareha.pl/1127604261/11,13 and http://4-ch.net/net/kareha.pl/1110769901/4,32,108)...
I've tried Pegasus, and it's horribly clunky. OE is the only free client I have found that is relatively painless to setup for multiple users and accounts, as well as being fast in downloading new messages.
lol does anyone know how to fix my "mark as read" problem though? ^_^