Why is Ubuntu so popular? (31)

29 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2006-11-22 01:22 ID:UWqJdSAw

I use GNU/Linux (zomg!) because I care about free software. When we say free software, we don't mean "no cost software". We mean having the liberty to use the software, the liberty to study how the software works and improve it, the liberty to redistribute copies as well as the liberty to publish improvements made to the software. Software that doesn't allow ALL four of these freedoms are non-free software.

> why is should concider Linux and switch from win to linx

If your computer needs are minimal then GNU/Linux will provide all you want. If you are a "advanced computar nerds who know how to change stuff in deep root system files" then Linux will provide all you want. If you are a Windows power user then GNU/Linux will provide 70 percent of your needs. It will not support your investments in wmv, mp3, web games, DVD, mpeg4 based codecs, Windows based games, Photoshop, or any other closed proprietary file format or non-free software. If you want them to run, you're going to have to get it running yourself.

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