Hello. I have this problem with my printer - it makes white lines across the printed area. I know that replacing the cartridges would solve this, but they are expensive and I'd like to read some advice on how to clean them. I have run the cleaning program dozen times and also washed the jets with soap and water and wiped them afterwards but it doesn't help. I believe that they are not empty yet, because I have compared the weight with empty ones. I have a syringe and a rubber applicator I can use to suck some ink out for deaeration, but it only helped for 5 minutes and the problem is back. Must I really spend a week's wage on this?
get a canon
Canon is indeed cheaper, but from what I saw at my friend's, I'd rather keep what I already have. Any other ideas?
we can buy this kind of refills in Singapore: http://www.vip.com.sg/
perhaps you can locate high-quality refills in USA too. this will save you a ton of money if you use a compatible inkjet.