Vista vs OSX? (51)

10 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-02-02 13:57 ID:Heaven


>They're not even in the same league, guy.

Urm, what the hell are you talking about?

Vista is, to a great part, a direct copy of OSX. But even though it is a copy, it's still a pretty well-done copy, which means they share most strange UI quirks ("Oh hey whoever needs consistency between apps?") and while there are of course still areas where OS X clearly beats Vista (Mostly integration, everything works very well together), Vista actually leads in other areas (Say, general style. Aero Glass beats the hell out of OS X's dated brushed metal, and Segoe UI is really nice for an UI font, There is nothing like Windows Media Center in OSX, and microsofts bundeled apps are - rippoff or not - pretty nice too, just compare microsoft photo gallery with iPhoto).

I do agree that no one should buy Vista right now - it's still very newish, probably won't run on your hardware, costs far too much, and OS X still wins any comparison IMO - and might get one helluva update with Leopard. But saying "LOL VISTA RIPOFF SUX" just isn't true. Even if it does not beat OS X, it comes very close, and it's definiteley better than any previous windows version.

(Disclaimer: I'm a linux guy, so I won't buy either in the near future)

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