Vista vs OSX? (51)

43 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-10-28 04:09 ID:c0FyD1ke

I mostly just want to bitch.
My family upgraded our primary PC to a Vista system from a Windows 98 system (it had near everthing upgraded except the OS since we bought it) about a month ago. I fucking hate it. Microshit seems to have put all their effort at making things look spiffy, and none into making a better OS, and sometimes at the expense of actual performance. And as far as these changes go, they are in all ways unimpressive. Aside from pure appearance, there are plenty of dumb as fuck interface design decisions. The same goes for applications like MS Office. Windows has been going downhill since 3.2, and moving off of DOS hasn't made a difference. I'd rather use a Linux on the ancient Alpha server my that my mother had loaned to her by DEC ages ago, but I couldn't convince her that no one would care if she didn't return the damn thing when she moved jobs (at that point it was HP for god's sake.) That said, I still probably wouldn't trade the Vista for a Mac.

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