How do I get Firefox to use Mona on Linux (Ubuntu 6.10)?
It doesn't 'see' the font after I installed the .deb :(
assuming it is installed correctly; you have to change the font settings for the japanese language to mona. in firefox 1.5, this is found in the preferences dialog box -> content tab -> Fonts and colors -> advanced -> fonts for -> japanese
I've set the sans serif font for japanese to be mona. I left the rest at the default.
Last time I checked/tried, the deb was broken. Try downloading the ttf file from, and install it manually. (See if you don't know how)
In that case, you can try copying the mona.ttf file to the font folder. I'm using Ubuntu 6.06 and I put it into the directory
> /usr/share/fonts/truetype/mona
Restarted the computer then Mona appeared on every font list
Bumping to let Ubuntu users know that Ubuntu 6.06 already has a suitable proportional width Japanese font. The names are Kochi Mincho to be used as a serif font and Kochi Gothic for sans serif. These fonts work well for the AA Bar under Firefox and Konqueror. There seems to be trouble in rendering 2ch's AA Saloon (and a number of other Japanese SJIS sites) using these fonts. 2ch's AA is display correctly using Mona under Firefox.
Just copy Ms Gotikku fonts from a windows system. Headache solved.