ITT we post HD-DVD decryption keys (30)

28 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-05-04 13:44 ID:Heaven

You seem to know a lot about this, so maybe you can tell me if I understood it...

  • To decrypt a disk, one needs the volume unique key.
  • The volume unique key can be calculated if you have the volume ID and processing key.
  • The volume ID is unique per movie, the processing key can be changed by the AACS LA at any time. It did so, so newer disks will not be decryptable until a new processing key is found.
  • What is out, and is not revocable, is a method of getting volume IDs from HD-DVDs by resoldering stuff.
  • What is not yet possible is easily finding the processing key.
  • What is also not yet possible, but might be (given enough skilled people with enough money to buy players) is having a software solution for decrypting without resoldering (Or getting the keys needed from the internet).


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