Information Organization Tips? (2)

1 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-06-23 23:33 ID:t06RNcie

i am trying to organize all the information on my computer but i am not a programmer so this is hard for me and i need some help.
i initially decided on a general directory of "media" that consisted of "music" "images" "video" and "documents" directories that were each further divided appropriately, but many files are hybrids of such. on top of this, many files of the same type have different formats which made directories look ugly. i am currently trying an "executable file" "document file" configuration file" "data file" and "virtual file" scheme, but im not sure if this will work. it might be best to put everything in one folder and use tags on filenames. its really the formats that fuck me up. in fact, most operating system file organizations seem horribly fucked up and unnecessarily chaotic if you ask me. i dont know where to turn, please help me organize my information.

2 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-06-25 09:20 ID:LMcrQNDx

My data files are organised in a rather crude way. I have folders for "video-audio" (subfolders for flash animations, several CDs and anime series), "gaming-related" (images), "literature" (eBooks and comix). I have the same problem with overlapping categories. You might like the filing system for this: (TRON)
I'd like to give it a try. But I need Windows :(

I thought of having directories filled with shortcuts to certain files. Like... a folder for 'humour' that has shortcuts to all my hilarious image macros, funny videos, joke songs, etc. I haven't bothered to implement anything like that. I really need to delete and relocate a load of stuff first...

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