I have a 150gb hard drive which I partitioned into a 50gb c: and a 100gb d:.
Windows vista (which is installed on c:) would'nt let me create such a large partition without formatting. I overcame this using a Linux CD which forcibly partitions your HD and then installs Linux into the partition. I then cancelled Linux installation after the partition was created.
I have since filled d: almost to capacity with some "highly important data". (yeah right)
I now want to securely erase c: using Darik's Boot and Nuke, but the only options are to erase ALL drives.
Is there a way for DBAN to erase c: but not d:, or will I have to buy a second HD?
>>1 if you have such sensitive data that you want to get rid of securely, I doubt you would mind erasing all drives.
Other than that, I'm not familiar with DBAN.
If it's not in the documentation, it's not likely you can.
>>3 wins for the ultimate generic reply.
>>3,5 is fail, due to lack of Heaven