Heya, y'all.
So I's got these Jap fonts an' dey's all boxy now dat I's got ma' ClearType enabled. Anyone found ways around this little nuisance?
Does installing that new Segoe font make any difference? Or is there a specific font I should download for the Japanese?
If so, where can I find it?
That won't really help with other programs though.
Plus, the only good thing about Opera is the mail client.
Hardly the only good thing. It uses a lot less memory than FF, for one thing. (And then there's the session support, the quick prefs, user JavaScript, BitTorrent, etc, etc.)
It won't magically fix your fonts though, so I'll shut up.
also, it runs on my DS.
links and retawq (both under dslinux) and the dsorganize browser run on the DS too, and i end up using links most of the time, but opera supports images and javascript so it's nice sometimes.
Firefox has session support since 2.0 actually.
Why don't you actually try answering the question instead of bickering over browser preference?
because >>1 didn't even try this: