[Apple] The new iPods (4)

1 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-09-30 17:13 ID:ocCQf08C

What do you all think about them? I got the new iPod Nano (8gb), and it is pretty good. If anyone wants some impressions or a review, I'll write one up, but I am interested to hear what others think about them, or if anyone else has one of the 'next-gen' iPods.

inb4 apple is trash, iPods suck, etc.

2 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-09-30 19:04 ID:1DfSh8Xb

They're really expensive compared to the ones put out by flash manufacturers. I bought a 8-gigabyte second generation nano about a year back, but would not do the same today.

Also, lol, lame attempts to lock out non-iTunes software.

3 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-10-01 00:11 ID:ocCQf08C

OP here, going to write a little review over it because I have about an hour free to do nothing.

The new iPod nano is actually pretty good. With it's only downsides being iTunes and the price, the quality is well worth it. Here is a little rundown.

Typical iPod fare. You can sort everything, have playlists, etc. Coverflow may seem cool at first, but it really is nothing more than a boring gimmick. No problems here

Sound Quality-
Pretty good stick SQ. It comes close to my 1st gen Shuffle, which is known for it's great SQ. I'd say above average.

Format Support-
Not very good due to no FLAC, OGG, or anything of the sort. I hope this gets rockbox'ed soon.

This was my main point for getting this, and the video quality is astounding. I've already gone a whole hour and a half of watching video on this, and it is great. No eye problems, screen is bright, and best of all, the quality is like I said-- amazing.

The new 3G nano now has the aluminum back, so expect a lot of scratches on it. The wheel is still the same great quality, though it took me a little time to get used to due to it being so small. No problems.

A great buy. There are other things on the market, and some of those can match up to this (Cowon D2, Sansa View, etc). I'd personally suggest those over this if you are looking for more formats. Once this gets rockboxed, I would have to say to pick this up over those, as I have never used a portable audio player as good as this one (out of only a few of course).

4 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-10-01 15:17 ID:wObAGac/

I was going to buy a Classic, until I read about the thing being incompatible with previous video-output accessories for no reason other than Apple deciding to implement a ridiculous accessory licensing scheme, and there's no way I'm going to support that kind of bullshit. The split screen interface is stupid as well, not to mention the fact they seem to have removed features from the photo viewing function. So I bought an 80GB Video someone was selling for the same price as the 80GB Classic, and that's great.

Fuck iTunes though.

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