[turntable] anyone know about styli? [old stuff] (2)

1 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-12-22 02:19 ID:7yZLHKKZ

i have an old Technics record player from the 70s or so, which is in need of a replacement stylus - now i don't know shit about these things, but on the player is a stickers saying "Stylus Replacement - EPS-25CS / EPS-25ES". i can find replacement for both of these online, but what's the difference? on the sticker there's a circle symbol next to the CS and an oval symbol next to the ES, so i guess maybe that stands for "circular stylus" and "elliptical stylus" or somesuch, but what difference does that make? is one type better for certain things, or for all things, or what?

2 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-12-22 02:23 ID:7yZLHKKZ

oh! internet to the rescue, i suppose.

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