I have a laptop and the CPU is running at around 88-90C when i'm running a game on it. Now that summer is here, i'm worried it's gonna melt itself or something. and even if not that- i'd still like to try and find a way to cool it down as it decreases the wear and tear of the components inside right?
i bought one of those under the laptop cooling pads with the fands but it only get the temperater down 4 degrees to about 84C. Is that much of a difference? Should I just wrap a frozen gelpack in a cloth(to soak up condensation)and put it under my laptop?
Put it on a hard surface, or prop it up a bit so some air can get to the fans.
Best thing to do is a get a laptop cooler. A good one is about $30 and plugs into the USB port.
i had tremendous overheating problems with my laptop whenever i used the USB or did anything remotely CPU intensive...a cooling pad helped a little bit but not much. finally solved it by pointing a full sized fucking desk fan at the back of the thing, which was not ideal.
Put it in the freezer and drill a hole for the monitor and keyboard OR buy a walk-in freezer and work in there.
During summer, my old laptop idles at 65'C or so and slowly climbs to 90'C under any kind of load. (NHC thermal shutdown point)
It has no fans at all, it's just sitting on a table's edge.
Moral of the story? I don't know, but laptops are kinda hot. Just get a desktop pc for gaming, op.