Win XP Pro SP3
In Firefox 3, IE7 , and Chrome, pages with a fixed background defined by CSS scroll very slowly. How do I fix this or at least speed it up?
I heard that "using moz_disable_pango=1" can fix the problem but will interfere with displaying pages written in different character encodings, a side effect I'd rather not deal with.
What does it do?
How do I "use moz_disable_pango=1"?
Are there alternative fixes?
To use moz_disable_pango, you have to specify it on the command line:
moz_disable_pango=1 firefox
Or, if you have a Linux machine lying around, put into your profile (.xinitrc for example) the following line:
export moz_disable_pango=1
But, I'd rather not touch that option, as it scrambles encodings. Plus, I can't attest that it accelerates background rendering, as I never tested it myself.
Currently, I'm running Linux 2.6.27 and Firefox 3, and my fixed backgrounds too render very slowly. I'd appreciate it very much if there were an alternative solution.