I am pretty much aware there is no real way to run an .exe file on a mac, but I still want to ask. Is there any way at all other than virtual OS?
I came to 4chan after consulting google...
besides, I forgot to mention it, but I want to do it for free. That is why I said no virtual OS. That, and i have no idea how to use unix.
but virtual os are mostly free now. so what's the problem?
>this is too hard for you to do? wow, mac users really are stupid.
the program i want is a game, and i've heard that complicated things cannot be done on a virtual OS. complicated here meaning things like 3D graphics, etc...
Running Windows games on a Mac is virtually impossible, unless you know what you're doing. It would be possible to run through Cedega, but only if it has OpenGL support, otherwise you're going to have to emulate Windows, through a Virtual emulator. I suggest VMWare, it has been know to support games.
>>7 what fucking kind of game is a single .exe with high-end 3d graphics