hello every1 Im having a promblem here every time I open an exe file my computer gets a poping message like 1 sec then its shutdown my computer but It doesnt harm my computer I just cant open any exe file that I download so plz help me
> poping message
"pope" used as a verb? what could that possibly mean?
you have teh poping virus. format your computer and reinstall.
Go into your start menu and click run. From there, type "msconfig" and press enter. Clcik on the "Startup" tab, and disable anything that isn't run by windows. Click "Apply" or "Ok", and restart your computer. If that works, one-by- one, enable items in the startup tab. When you find that one that is causing the problem, delete it. You could also try booting from a Live-CD with an antivirus program, but that is probably beyond your scope of understanding.
If all else fails, time to reinstall windows, or try a different OS. Ubuntu is pretty user friendly.