GENCO appreciation thread (37)

1 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-04-22 19:46 ID:2/FC75JL

So, everybody has their favourite studio, be it Bones or Gonzo or what have you. As for me, it's Kamiyama Mangetsu-chan GENCO. (with some English info at

Their lineup contains some amazing shows:

  • Genshiken
  • Azumanga Daioh
  • Kino's Journeys
  • Alien 9
  • Onegai Teacher
  • Satoshi Kon's movies Millennium Actress and Tokyo Godfathers
  • Takashi Nakamura's (who did Fantastic Children) A Tree of Palme

Of course, not all of their shows are quite that perfect (what the hell was up with Onegai Twins, anyway?), but overall their hit-to-miss ratio is pretty good, and their good shows are really good.

17 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-08-02 12:24 ID:LG0Ts3nM


Do you like intelligent and well-written romantic drama and comedy?

18 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-08-02 12:38 ID:MkdACYFC

Do you like chick stories of a frustrated old girl way past the expiration date not succeeding at getting her pawns on her alpha male but surrounded anyway by a harem of effeminate boys who have nothing better to do but babble at nauseum while harassing non-threatening, ugly lolis?

19 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-08-02 14:25 ID:Heaven

Your summary is non-sensical and irrelevant!

Also, nobody's hotter than Tetsujin!

20 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-08-02 17:32 ID:Heaven

Ha, I just read elsewhere someone complaining the show was starting to overuse its gay jokes...
I'm sorry, I'm not a 腐女子(yaoi fangirl).

21 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-08-03 08:22 ID:Heaven



22 Name: lolocaust!rsvcwx6Axc 2005-08-06 17:57 ID:Heaven

Which is it now? I remember having downloaded the first episode, skimming through it as I needed disk space and then decided to delete it...

23 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-09-03 17:18 ID:2/FC75JL

I just watched episode 13, and all I have to say is:

   ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃
        |    /       BU-N
         ( ヽノ
     三  レレ

24 Name: !.38tuXtuXs 2005-09-04 01:25 ID:yNZT7KAM



25 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-01 23:31 ID:eyRHVpCs

I watched Honey and Clover within a week. I found myeself tear-wet at the end! It was not a wery exciting show, but very touching. I think it was kinda dumb that we didn't get to see the Yamada vs Other girl-thing resolve.

26 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-02 06:39 ID:Heaven

There's still the manga...

27 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-02 21:49 ID:Heaven


O RLY!? (serious)

28 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-08 22:48 ID:5iZLMaUN

Genco made figure 17 also

so me <3 genco

29 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-11-09 12:57 ID:LG0Ts3nM

Zettai Shounen update: Ep 22 really pushes the acceptable limits of inter-species romance!

30 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-09 18:09 ID:Heaven

manga is being translated at a snail-like pace by shoujomagic

ps. it's better than the anime

31 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-09 22:40 ID:xwWI1uMB

Zettai Shounen, with scriptwriting by Elf Sternberg?

32 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-11-12 03:24 ID:2/FC75JL

I just finished watching Honey & Clover, and damn, that was worth every minute of it. The last episode was adorable.

Now I need to find someone who has both watched Honey & Clover and read Bruce Sterling's Holy Fire, so I can see if I'm just delusional when I think the one scene in episode 23 was a dead ringer for a scene from Holy Fire.

33 Name: Alexander!DxY0NCwFJg 2005-11-15 16:37 ID:Heaven

Watched all of it. Very very good series. When Takemoto forced the pair of scissors out of Morita's hand it seriously leveled up.

34 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-11-19 15:45 ID:Heaven

What I liked with it was how the first ending song returned on the last episode. I didn't like the second ed.

35 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-12-23 06:12 ID:VUOy3lIS

Me too. I recently started watching it again after it re-hooked me while sorting my archives. It's that good. Only now I can notice more of the background things, like the insert songs. They didn't stick with me the first time around but now I'm finding I like a lot of them.

36 Name: Random Anime Otaku 2005-12-23 12:52 ID:Heaven

It's too bad none of the insert songs live up to the one in episode 1. That was was pure brilliance, along with the animation. I watched it over and over and over again.

37 Name: whe : 2006-04-12 03:32 ID:oHh0flb4

Honey and Clover SEASON II!!! ZOMG!

>Shueisha has announced the Honey and Clover II anime will premiere this summer in Japan. Plus, the live-action Honey and Clover film site is now online. Thanks to Vitruvius, Danny, and Wildarmsheero.
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