Home Office for "Noma Neko" problem for foreigners (169)

2 Name: EJwriter 2005-09-18 10:49 ID:xEkpm6Ue

Please come here or our home BBS to contact.

3 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-18 10:56 ID:JKRPjWBC

4 Name: EJwriter 2005-09-18 11:11 ID:xEkpm6Ue

Thank you.
... Wow, heavy to read them through. Take sometime. orz

5 Name: EJwriter 2005-09-18 11:25 ID:xEkpm6Ue

Contact Anime News Network-Newsroom
News Submissions, Press Releases, etc

Today's biggest one

That's all for today. I will be the ROM (read only menber), for a while except emergency.

6 Name: EJwriter 2005-09-18 12:16 ID:xEkpm6Ue

>>3 Thank you I've read and understood.
I'm updated now. Awaiting your comments, but answer will be handed tomorrow. That's all for today. Bye (^_-)-™

7 Name: EJwriter 2005-09-19 00:15 ID:xEkpm6Ue

FYI (wrap up about infomation and mail posting)
others are in >>1


Ayumi Hamasaki, got a none of originalities! (Loves Madonna?)

Mail to Dan! (o-zone)@This is indirect, but can reach danbalan@dan-balan.com

"The NOMA cat" has promoted fast drinking Aruhara; as an alcohol


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8 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-19 11:39 ID:lynz/PrF

WHY is this not on slashdot? Somebody, put it there - they'll go crazy over it...

Anyway - I really do think the english translation on monseurmonar.tripod.com is really a very good job, but I'm just being anal (picky and annoying) and just *have* to fix it up a bit... I'll go fix it up in notepad quietly >_>

9 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-19 12:06 ID:gN83tHTw

Conveniently linking /. ¨ http://slashdot.org/

10 Name: EJwriter 2005-09-19 23:05 ID:1+DRidhs

>>8 Thank you. If you can show us better way for the line.
"I'll go fix it up in notepad quietly.."
..I'll check that translation.
>>9 Thank you. I'll check and consider.

11 Name: EJwriter 2005-09-20 05:57 ID:1+DRidhs

Unable to post by Login system.
Can someone post Mainichi News on >>1?

12 Name: EJwriter 2005-09-20 06:12 ID:1+DRidhs

>>8Made a misunderstanding.
I thought you have shown us the part that you pointed out in colum>>8, but it's not.

Anyway, thank you please do and show us.
When you finish, please show on the comment section of the page, so he can check.
If you can see Japanese page, please compare and leave a comment.

13 Name: EJwriter 2005-09-20 06:14 ID:1+DRidhs

Copied for ref.

73 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-20 01:27 ID:zWinSvpr [Del]

Most of your text should be preserved because it shows the website's Japanese authorship, and it gives it color :)
But for clarity, a few corrections:

In the USA the popular name is "Numa Numa"
> You know "Dragostea din Tei" or "O-Zone Koi-no-Maiahi" known with the phrase "Mai a hi, Mai a hu", dont'you?
You know "Dragostea din Tei" or "Numa Numa", the song that starts with "Mai-ya-hi, Mai-ya-hoo...", don't you?

2ch is not widely known in U.S.
> Yes. You're most surely right. They closely ressemble to Monar and Mo-lala having been beloved in a gigantic BBS website 2-channel.
These characters are duplicates of Monar and Moraler, the famous ASCII art characters on the Japanese mega-BBS 2channel.
( link to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2ch )

Monar is not "public domain", as you state in the FAQ. He is more like "community property", as his character was designed by 2ch all together.
> Many of 2-channellers found it good to achieve to be used as a main character in AVEX products, some found not as a profit making company uses character from public domain.
Many 2channelers thought it was an achievement to be used as the main characters in AVEX products. Some thought it was bad that a for-profit company was using their original characters.

14 Name: EJwriter 2005-09-20 06:17 ID:1+DRidhs

I'll check >>13 later.

15 Name: EJwriter 2005-09-20 08:07 ID:1+DRidhs

I agree with it. This could be a second step to show the text.
We tried was "translation". You are doing is modification in order to well-konwn for the general audience and readers living in abroad.
Please find change afterwards.

16 Name: EJwriter 2005-09-20 08:08 ID:1+DRidhs

17 Name: EJwriter 2005-09-20 09:20 ID:Heaven

I believe consistancy can be kept with doing this exchange between Japanese and English. Thank you for your effort.

18 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-20 09:45 ID:lynz/PrF

Yeah, that's why I'm wondering whether you should really change your blog so that it's more gramatically correct and so on. It does keep it's flavour in the current state (and like I said, it's not unintelligable)

But maybe standalone pages or websites should be fixed up.

19 Name: EJwriter 2005-09-20 09:49 ID:Heaven

I will post your suggestion to the blog site.
Decision will be made by himself, anyway.

20 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-20 16:35 ID:h17L00aA

What is this post, an announcement of indecisiveness? „’('``G)„‘
I think the "5 minutes" page is good now. Someone can submit it to Slashdot under the section heading "Your Rights Online," they enjoy submissions in that category.

21 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-20 17:18 ID:Heaven

I think there should be made some more corrections on the 5 minute page.
I'll submit some later when I get some time.

22 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-20 22:24 ID:6sDJLtg9

So, what happened to Wata? Did he "sell out" to Avex and permit them to use the characters as though they were his own creation? Or did he just let them use the Flash movie for the CD, then Avex claimed copyright on it?

23 Name: Happy Yankee 2005-09-21 04:35 ID:kiWrMR1j

Hello Japanese! I am happy Yankee!

24 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-21 07:48 ID:7y18Nubj

From my understanding, it is the latter...

25 Name: EJwriter 2005-09-21 08:33 ID:Heaven

>>22 >>24 he -> she
As far as I know, she sold all rights to ZEN (company instantly occured) and said no earnings by "Noama Neko" related.
ZEN is avex worker's fasility. ZEN is as same as music arrange and remix company (forgot name, kinda similar sound). That company is the avex's subsidiary.

26 Name: EJwriter!J1L5I6PESM 2005-09-21 08:48 ID:Heaven

>>23 Hello. Here is not very many Japanese, but you are welcome.
Catch you guys later.

27 Name: EJwriter!J1L5I6PESM 2005-09-21 10:00 ID:Heaven

Asking for help, at this stage.

What we can do is;
Post (widely known and get about) blog, web site, papers, tabloids, community and net major.
Make weblog

Boycott avex CDs and goods (except the artist, move)
move, Kimura declared himself against Noma Neko

28 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-21 10:05 ID:Heaven

The following are a few suggestions I want to make regarding the "5 minutes" text.
It's mostly about clearing up some grammar (e.g. correcting prepositions, articles, etc.) and style.

None of the corrections are neccessary in order to understand the text as it is.
I still think it would be good to use them if you want to expose the "5 minutes" text to a large English-speaking crowd.

If you have any questions or comments about any of the suggestions, feel free to reply to me.

A few general remarks at first:

You should always write the same words in the same way,
e.g. "avex" in the first headline should read "AVEX". Also, decide on EITHER
"Moraler" or "Mo-lala"!

"BBS" does not have the same meaning in English as in Japanese, in English it refers to
a very specific type of internet communication, not generally to all types of fora.
So that's my reason why I replaced BBS with "forum" or "fora" (plural of forum) in my suggestions below.

You should also avoid making arbitrary line breaks in the middle of sentences (e.g. "showing a" [line break] "catlike character").
This disrupts the reading flow significantly.

29 Name: 28 2005-09-21 10:06 ID:Heaven

Now for the specific suggestions (part 1 of 2, part 2 will follow later)
I'll use "original phrase" ¨ "my suggestion" or "original phrase" © "my remark on it" format.

* There should not be a full stop at the end of "cartoon works streaming through internet."

* "and history on it." ¨ "and its further history"

* "Let's move forward."

* "*End of September-October, 2004. Wata unveiled it in 2-channel" ¨ "At the end of September-October, 2004. Wata unveiled it on 2-channel"

* "Wata is also a 2-channel user, unveiled it in 2-channel." © This sentence is not really needed anymore, you said the same above already.

* " Most of 2-channeller preferably enjoyed this movie in which shows Monar and his friends dancing." ¨ "Most 2-channellers enjoyed this movie in which Monar and his friends were shown dancing."

* "has released O-Zone CD entitled of Dragostea din Tei." ¨ "has released a CD by O-Zone entitled "Dragostea din Tei.""

* "bonus truck" ¨ "bonus track"

* "comparing to the original" ¨ "compared to the original"

* "but still characters shown and parodied words were constructed basically the same." © Why isn't all of this in red?

* "Especially the principal character named "Noma-Neko"." ¨ "Especially the main character named "Noma-Neko"."

* "A beloved character which has been brought up in BBS, virtual internet world has been kidnapped as an "original" of profittal enterprise!!" ¨ "A beloved character which has been brought up on a forum in the virtual internet world has been kidnapped as an "original" of profit based enterprise!!"

* "But most of all were quite much raged." ¨ "But most of all, they were quite outraged."

* "There was even some who started asking AVEX on it." ¨ "There were even some who started asking AVEX about it."

* "response from AVEX were as follows" ¨ "response from AVEX was as follows"

* "It is the same that 2-channel character and Noma-Neko are not the same." ¨ "In the same way, 2-channel character and Noma-Neko are not the same, either."

* "MUZO has announced" ¨ "MUZO announced"

* "Many could not see what this statement exactlly means." ¨ "Many could not see what this statement exactly meant."

* ""Nothing to say at this moment." was only reply we could get from AVEX." ¨ "No comment at this time." was the only reply we could get from AVEX.

* "And at night on September 8, 2005, an article titled "About copyright of Noma-Neko" was added on an official internet shopping website of AVEX." ¨ "And at the night of September 8th, 2005, an article titled "About the copyright of Noma-Neko" was added on the official internet shopping website of AVEX."

* ""Noma-Neko" was born to be "inspired" by ASCII Art characters" ¨ ""Noma-Neko"'s creation was "inspired" by ASCII Art characters"

* "often seen on internet BBS such as Monar and so on." ¨ "often seen on internet fora, such as Monar, etc."

* "Noma-Neko is completely different character from Monar and Mo-lala." ¨ "The Noma-Neko character is completely different from Monar and Mo-lala."

30 Name: 28 2005-09-21 10:07 ID:Heaven


* "Let's move forward." ¨ "Let's continue."

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