Haskell confusion (81)

44 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-03-30 15:28 ID:SS6VpCbA


My main point is this: Curried functions were introduced because functional programmers somehow got into their heads that functions only take a single argument. Since nobody can write code that way, a workaround was needed, which is curried functions. The fact that you can make partially applied functions with it is a side-effect, and not the original purpose. It is, however, the only useful aspect of curried functions. So far, so good, but since this was not initially introduced as a way to partially evaluate functions, it's not very good at doing that.

What I'm saying is: Drop the idiocy of having functions that only take one argument, and also drop curried functions, and instead introduce a proper method to make paritally-applied functions that can actually apply any argument, and not just the last ones. Currying is just a workaround for a self-imposed limitation.

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