DQN has crashed WikiChan (170)

1 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4792 03:31

Hi. Im the owner of etherchan.org. recently, due to a huge bandwidth draw from the Elitist Superstructure of DQN, the entire SQL server cluster that runs WikiChan has crashed.

A cluster of computers meant to handle requests from thousands of databases, brought down by a single database accessed by a bunch of DQNs.

I applaud you and urge you to keep up the good work!

2 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4792 05:50


3 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4792 06:51

or work is done

4 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4792 10:47

Error in fetchObject(): Can't find file: './BreakDe_wiki/ecwpage.frm' (errno: 13)


* GlobalFunctions.php line 602 calls wfbacktrace()
* Database.php line 596 calls wfdebugdiebacktrace()
* MessageCache.php line 246 calls databasemysql::fetchobject()
* MessageCache.php line 174 calls messagecache::loadfromdb()
* MessageCache.php line 357 calls messagecache::load()
* GlobalFunctions.php line 449 calls messagecache::get()
* GlobalFunctions.php line 408 calls wfmsggetkey()
* GlobalFunctions.php line 319 calls wfmsgreal()
* OutputPage.php line 172 calls wfmsg()
* OutputPage.php line 774 calls outputpage::setpagetitle()
* Database.php line 476 calls outputpage::databaseerror()
* Database.php line 419 calls databasemysql::reportqueryerror()
* BagOStuff.php line 390 calls databasemysql::query()
* BagOStuff.php line 281 calls mediawikibagostuff::_doquery()
* BagOStuff.php line 228 calls mediawikibagostuff::_query()
* MessageCache.php line 142 calls mediawikibagostuff::get()
* MessageCache.php line 357 calls messagecache::load()
* GlobalFunctions.php line 449 calls messagecache::get()
* GlobalFunctions.php line 408 calls wfmsggetkey()
* GlobalFunctions.php line 361 calls wfmsgreal()
* Wiki.php line 74 calls title::wfmsgforcontent()
* index.php line 105 calls mediawiki::checkinitialqueries()

5 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4792 11:42

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < Shit! It only took six people to crash ur server?
 (つ   つ    Here's a quarter, kid...buy yourself a real computer!
 | | |     

6 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4792 12:49

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < Proving once again that no one can beat my Superstructure of DQN
 (つ   つ
 | | |     

7 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4793 02:26

Official Notice:

It has come to our attention that your database BreakDe_wiki caused an overload on our mySQL database. It has been chmoded to 000. It has been suggested that you need to either optimize the queries done by that database, or seek dedicated hosting for this content. Please respond to this ticket indicating that you plan to optimize these queries and we will be able to re-enable access to this database.

8 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4793 03:24

Break... the... wiki?

9 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4793 08:32


10 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4793 08:39

optimize the queries done by wiki.


your continued donations keep etherchan running

11 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4794 00:55

Wikichan is back up!
I'm puttin' on my revert mittens.

12 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4794 01:20

Let's spam the internet with wikichan ads and see how long it takes for the site to crash again.

13 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4831 20:46

Hello, this is WikiSysop.
Account for domain etherchan.org has been suspended

Admin Contol Panel:
This product is disabled due to suspension for the following reason:
Server overload

Good work DQN.
It looks like WikiChan is offically on hiatus.

14 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4831 20:54

hehe, nice. So, any plans to bring it back eventually?

15 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4831 21:10

Get a dreamhost account. Or are you using one already?

16 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4831 21:23

<plug> http://halcy.de/kopipe/ Semi-recent static copy of the copypasta archive until wikichan comes back. </plug>

17 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4831 21:58

Until then, you'll have to rely on your creativity.


18 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4831 22:08

Holy sh- it's back!

19 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4832 04:01

restore the kopipe archive please

20 Name: WikiSysop : 1993-09-4832 04:24

I will give you a copy of the copypasta archive... I have full control over lock and unlock...

Actually, tonight, midnight CST, I'll bring wikichan back online, but not for very long, so grab what you can.

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