Poetry thread (44)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-18 17:27 ID:Heaven

Write poetry. Do it now. I don't care if it sucks. I don't care if you have nothing to say. Stop making excuses. Write some poetry and add it to this thread.

29 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-07 07:02 ID:Heaven

this is a nice one, whoever made it should post here too:

The leader

Patient and steady with all he must bear,
Ready to accept every challenge with care,
Easy in manner, yet solid as steel,
Strong in his faith, refreshingly real,
Isn't afraid to propose what is bold,
Doesn't conform to the usual mold,
Eyes that have foresight, for hindsight wont do
Never back down when he sees what is true
Tells it all straight, and means it all too
Bracing for war, but praying for peace
Using his power so evil will cease:
So much a leader and worthy of trust,
Here stands a man who will do what he must

30 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-07 16:58 ID:Heaven

Unfortunately, the serious poem >>29 is a lot crappier and embarrassing to read than the silly poems within >>1-28
Requesting better critiques

31 Name: Anonymous 2005-12-07 19:15 ID:Heaven


> Beware of acrostics! Some messages may seem harsh, but read it twice
> before responding to it. Here is an example:
> Gosh, what an awful writing!
> Old Miss Muffet woulda been a better speller;
> Objects and subjects all mixed up. I
> Don't think you've got a three-year-old's brain (sneer
> Just shut up next time you wanna say something,
> Okay? I'm tired of you.
> Bye, and I hope to never see you again!
> (See GOODJOB on the left column?)

32 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-08 17:02 ID:Heaven

Ha ha ha! That is a pretty funny poem, then. President Bush sucks!

33 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-16 05:03 ID:jGzO8R+/

there is no glory
left in this tired old world;
...I say, is that duck?

34 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-16 21:52 ID:vQJi7Gc3

Ranking, shifting
Dropping, calculi
Floating through miasma
-> of venerable specks

35 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-16 22:11 ID:hf2fqUq1

Why must you click on something so flashy?
I guess I can call it job security.
You call on me only when your computer gets too slow
To keep up with the speed at which your life flows.
You wonder how it got all those icons and toolbars,
And when I tell you how, you look at me like I was from Mars.
Viruses, trojans, adware, spyware, all these maladies
Have enslaved your computer once so free.
And when I return it to you so clean,
You're so anxious, excited, and keen
To keep on believing the myths
That got you into this mess to begin with.
If only you'd stop using that insecure I.E.
Get a better browser and virus/spyware protection, they're free.
I guess I really can call it job security,
Becuase so very few will keep doing this for free.

36 Name: 35 2005-12-16 22:12 ID:Heaven

Save a click:

> I guess I really can call it job security,
> Becuase so very few will keep doing this for free.

37 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-16 22:17 ID:qgGDHDtF

HAIKU in UNAS ftw.

38 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-16 23:02 ID:Heaven


39 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-17 04:08 ID:Heaven


40 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-18 20:08 ID:Heaven

I concur my friend;
because it looks like gibberish,
I won't even try.

41 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-19 19:17 ID:qgGDHDtF

Unas rules.
Stargate ftw

42 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-20 03:50 ID:z3aubYx0

I want to taste the donut hole again
It's like a bakery in my mouth
Up through my nose if I breathe out I get the urge
I'm going downstairs and getting another donut hole
I'm gonna eat it

43 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-20 04:37 ID:AcgsLkTz

this one kinda spoke to me

44 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-23 05:43 ID:GwQeA+rB

I wander while I wonder
I wonder while I wander
I wonder why I wander
Why I wander all alone

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