Ye Goode Webcomic Linkdump (82)

1 Name: Guest: 05/01/29(Sat)14:12 ID:Heaven

Please try not to mention Penny Arcade herein, alright?

  • Achewood

The ongoing history of the Achewood plushies and their friends, through insanity, financial enterprise, love, gruesome murders, trips to foreign countries, outer space and the great beyond. Embedded into story arcs, the strip is much more fun to read in a sequence of strips, but you don't have to. Chris Onstead makes up for any loss of plotline with pretty much everything such a simplistic webcomic can offer for amusement in a few panel's worth of time. Of course it doesn't stop there or anywhere. The characters even have their very own weblogs!

  • Ye Olde Leisuretown Archives

Always worth a revisit into these golden times when the strip was still created: An LSD trip of a weirdo with tourette syndrome.

  • Elftor

Pretty much the best crappy and trashy MSPAINT-style comic strip out there.
Doesn't get updated lately, unfortunately. PS: MSPAINT rules!

  • Cat and Girl

Cat and Girl involved in & about philosophy, economics, politics, literature, art theory & practice and a lot more stuff, like carefully acted out studies of the effects and consequences about the consume of paint and a few remarks on the illustrous zombie Joseph Beuys.

  • Slow Wave

Submitted dreams forced in and acted out on the format of 4 panels per strip.
The results are pretty worthwhile.

  • Karu Luonto

Not really a webcomic but a nice selection of art by this Finnish artist with a collection of his own comic strips, some of them translated into English.

2 Name: Guest: 05/01/29(Sat)14:19 ID:Heaven

How could I forget

  • Space Moose?

The archives of roughly 10 years of this veteran comic strip about Space Moose, the most awesome moose ever. Highly retarded and recommended!

3 Name: !WAHa.06x36 05/01/29(Sat)14:30 ID:FbfXXqiJ


Wow, Karu Lounto has a webbage? I've only seen it in magazines, and only very rarely... I've even translated one comic myself because I like it so much.

5 Name: !WAHa.06x36 05/01/29(Sat)14:52 ID:FbfXXqiJ

The Hermit:

  1. Me and the rest of mankind have this deal...
  2. I take care of MY business...
  3. And the rest of mankind take care of THEIRS.
  4. Society? Civilization? Culture? Technology? Don't need 'em! I laugh at them! HAW HAW HAW!
  5. ...
  6. Although the rest of mankind could at least send a christmas card every now and then.

Ok, I guess I should stop spamming this thread already.

6 Name: Guest: 05/01/29(Sat)16:27 ID:Heaven

7 Name: Guest: 05/01/29(Sat)16:31 ID:Heaven


Okay, that sucks.

8 Name: !WAHa.06x36 05/02/01(Tue)15:49 ID:k4fgqMqF

  • Boy on a stick and Slither: - Funnier than most.
  • Wigu: - Actually, Wigu ended, and was replaced with The TV Network Channel. Both are hilarious in a very idiosyncratic fashion.

Are we talking just-web-comics here, or comics-that-are-on-the-web? Because in the latter case, one would have to mention Maakies (, Underworld (, Bob the Angry Flower (, &c, &c.

9 Name: 1 05/02/01(Tue)16:39 ID:Heaven


Bob the Angry Flower sucks.

But whatever, I don't care if they are comics only on the net or also available in some other medium. Only thing that matters is that they are on the internet. Bonus points for free ones.

10 Name: hotaru!hoTarufiRE!!Cizp3pu2 05/02/01(Tue)21:24 ID:mVU4OF+C

11 Name: Guest: 05/02/01(Tue)22:21 ID:YuHoODcv

13 Name: Guest: 05/02/05(Sat)08:56 ID:Heaven

Too much links and not enough praise. I am too suspicious of the internet to click them all without knowing what they be.

14 Name: Guest: 05/02/05(Sat)20:25 ID:J7yX2Ra2

15 Name: bubu!bUBu/A.ra6 05/02/07(Mon)12:23 ID:Nmqwl4jY

A Lesson Is Learned But the Damage is Irreversible. Shouldn't be on the Internet, not low-quality enough. English.

Isometric. Everyone knows this & Pokey I think.

Gummbah - not a webcomic, more of a comic repository. For once a really funny comic (?) on the internet. Dutch. Not for the faint of heart. Epic.

Myyrakuume. Now in English.

My New Filing/Fighting Technique Is Unstoppable. Blazer BEST! Everyone knows this, too.


16 Name: !WAHa.06x36 05/02/07(Mon)15:22 ID:XVF/quly

>A Lesson Is Learned But the Damage is Irreversible. Shouldn't be on the Internet, not low-quality enough. English.

This is actually so good, it should be published by Fantagraphics and then nobody would buy it.

> Myyrakuume. Now in English.
>> a comic strip that appears in the finnish Johnny kniga magazine.

Johnny Kniga rocks. Also, this comic is kind of demented.

17 Name: Guest: 05/02/08(Tue)18:18 ID:9/N/taT2

The following webcomics are the only webcomics that deserve to exist at all. (Bob the Angry Flower doesn't count it is published)

18 Name: Greg Lescoe 05/02/12(Sat)22:00 ID:Heaven

I will second the motion that Achewood is absolutely brilliant. for the interested. If you liked Aqua Teen Hunger Force back when it was good, you'll probably enjoy this stuff.

Another one with a similar level of hilarity but distinctly different comedic style is The Adventures of Spelling the Vacuum, at

19 Name: PotatoSamurai 05/02/13(Sun)21:46 ID:8s10ASQ3
A surprisingly well-written story that starts out a little FF-ish but gets pretty good.
Dead, but still amazingly funny. The first half's the best.
Pretty cynical comic, but funny.
A one-panel comic about a serial killer.

20 Name: !WAHa.06x36 05/02/13(Sun)22:54 ID:Heaven


I dunno, I've been following it from the start, and I'm still waiting for it to begin.

21 Name: Mr VacBob!JqK7T7zan. 05/02/19(Sat)03:06 ID:0LrF7KBL

I forgot to buy the book :(

22 Name: !WAHa.06x36 05/02/19(Sat)13:20 ID:2nZo6VYJ

>>21 is wonderful art wasted on yet another insipid lol-me-and-my-friends-are-wacky comic.

23 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 05/02/19(Sat)13:39 ID:Heaven


True ( ´-`)

24 Name: Mr VacBob!JqK7T7zan. 05/02/19(Sat)17:48 ID:snOK2pS+

The recent ones are worse because the guy writing for him had to do crazy things like graduate and get an actual job. Ian just does it for the art; the best ones don't even have plots.

25 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 05/02/20(Sun)08:59 ID:Heaven

> Ian just does it for the art

That's no excuse!

26 Name: Pand4 2005-03-01 22:46 ID:Qp447w3z

27 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-03-02 06:27 ID:ut4n7gPH

28 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-03-02 09:44 ID:Heaven

Dmpk2k the Magnificent foresees a flamewar in the near future.

29 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-03-02 18:49 ID:xgaDWVJH

Actually, Megatokyo is the only webcomic I'm following.

30 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-03-02 20:12 ID:kqE75xz2

Most every day I check:

Bruno the Bandit
Elf Life
Errant Story
Pastel Defender Heliotrope
Penny Arcade
Red Meat
Schlock Mercenary
Sluggy Freelance
Something Positive
Strange Candy

31 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-03-02 20:41 ID:xgaDWVJH

I did a reading marathon on some of these when I found them first (and then never went back.)
In order of preference:

  1. Sluggy Freelance
  2. Sinfest
  3. Penny Arcade

and a couple of others I forgot the name...
that black and white comic about a sad guy who has a semi-Japanese sister in love with him?
Also that morbid/incest comic which invented the sound effect fapfapfap?
And that comic about a guy who goes to an university campus and he gets a weird foreign roommate?

32 Name: bubu!bUBu/A.ra6 2005-03-03 01:29 ID:Heaven

>Also that morbid/incest comic which invented the sound effect fapfapfap?

dunno about "invented", but popularized...

>And that comic about a guy who goes to an university campus and he gets a weird foreign roommate?

an accurate plot description for circa 30% of the popular webcomics out there...

PS: didn't mention before because I assume(d) everyone knows it, but it's a nice little paradox to go on my list.

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