WMVs won't play (20)

8 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-03-15 05:45 ID:lQX/9jSO

What happens is that Firefox automatically turns over the file to my MediaPlayer, which cannot play the file. That's if I load it from my hard disk into FF. No filtering done, if that's what you mean. Loading from the web, FF wants to save it to disk. Well, those behaviors are per design, this is how I set it to behave.

I think it's some MS's "smart" idea of an informative header, and not [yet?] implemented in current browsers except possibly IE.
I see Device Conformance Template in that header.

9 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-03-15 05:52 ID:lQX/9jSO


>secondly, are you experiencing this problem with all your WMVs?

Japanese ones, promo files gotten from jp official sites.
P2P-gotten files are always perfect, no crap header.

>and more importantly, what exactly are you doing to them?

The last one, I used ReGet to get it. The others, I believe I got them thru Firefox's download-to-disk.

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