Beijing clamps down on Anonymouses (38)

1 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-04-01 02:46 ID:xAk3yrTz
According to students and Xiao Qiang, director of the China Internet Project at the University of California, new rules call on administrators to block off-campus users and prevent students from posting anonymously to "enhance the moral and thought education of university students."

2 Name: Citizen 2005-04-01 18:49 ID:Heaven

> thought education


3 Name: Domingo Chavez 2005-10-08 06:34 ID:WmNUI07P

Its the bloody commies trying to keep their nation in line. If they let the people do what they want when they want. Its going to fall like the soviets did. But communism is destined to fall. For the simple fact of the equal share, equal work thing does not go well with the human nature of competition. Well. I must go to bed, got PT in 3 hours. oorah.

4 Name: Citizen 2005-10-08 10:35 ID:tIiYaGKm

"Anonymous" is not a noun, hence no plural of the word exists.

5 Name: Citizen 2005-10-08 10:42 ID:Heaven

Shut the fuck up about "human nature of competition"!
Nobody wants to hear this retarded Ayn Rand drivel.

6 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-10-08 12:28 ID:CVodYfoR


>"Anonymous" is not a noun

O rly?

2. anonymous

The Prince of Thousand Faces,
The Unforgiving Demon of /b/,
The Vindictive One.
You got the point?

"Watch out for Anonymous, he does not forgive!"

Source: Anonymous, Feb 20, 2005

7 Name: Citizen 2005-10-08 13:49 ID:Heaven

You rely on urbandictionary far too much.
You are aware of the fact that every random person can make up their definitions and send them in there?

Here, have a real dictionary:

8 Name: Domingo Chavez!FpTygh5paU 2005-10-08 17:18 ID:hhNbBrUg

>>5 The reason I use the idea of "The Human Nature of Competition" Is because that is what infact brought about the downfall of Communism. The sharing of everything, and total equality in society does not work because the people dont have it in their nature to be equal. Everyone wants to do better than one another. To further themselves in the matter. Socialist Ideals can only last so long, and even in that fear and strict rules must be implimented to keep it from collapsing in on itself. That is why China is so harsh on its people. It fears the imminent collapse. The Economy of China has grown rapidly in the last 15 years. Growing to the point where it may soon not be able to support itself. A catastrophic economic depression in a country that holds 1/6 of the worlds population will be felt world wide.

9 Name: Citizen 2005-10-08 17:45 ID:Heaven

> Is because that is what infact brought about the downfall of Communism.

You are a fucking idiot who couldn't for his life analyze economical or materialistic reasons for any kind of historical development and has to resort to some hypothetical "human nature" in order to somehow justify his inane beliefs.

Fucking ignorant retard. Go back to posting pictures of your fatty girlfriend on some imgboard instead of trying to come off smart here. Your pretentiousness is not wanted.

10 Name: Citizen 2005-10-08 17:48 ID:puau6DGq

USSR, PRC: the means of production reside in the hands of a small elite which exploits the proletariat.
Commies, eh?

11 Name: Domingo Chavez!FpTygh5paU 2005-10-08 17:51 ID:hhNbBrUg

Both nations Follow/Followed the communist Ideals and the Socialist Economic Style. Which has been prooven faulty in one massive event which collapsed an entire reigon.

And if I am a complete idiot as you say. You are telling me my PoliSci instructor here at West Point is a Complete Idiot as well.

12 Name: Citizen 2005-10-08 17:56 ID:Heaven

Dude, learn to spell or write coherently.

13 Name: Citizen 2005-10-08 18:46 ID:puau6DGq


>the communist Ideals and the Socialist Economic Style defined by an instructor from the United States Military Academy.

Wow. Just wow...

14 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-10-08 20:18 ID:CVodYfoR

>>7 You rely on dictionaries that are only updated every few years far too much. :)
Language is a living thing, new words appear all the time. One needs to have a definition now if one wants to participate in a discussion that uses new words.
Urbandictionary uses a voting system that pushes bad definitions down and good definitions up. Not perfect, but it works remarkably well.

What anout Wiki? Wiki is also made by random people.
"When it is necessary to refer to someone who is anonymous, it is typically necessary to create a type of pseudo-identification for that person. In literature, the most common way to state that the identity of an author is unknown is to refer to them as simply "Anonymous.""

In the often-used sentence "Anonymous does not forgive", Anonymous is obviously a noun. A better debate here is the questionable use of -es to make a plural out of Anonymous. Shouldn't it be "Anonymice" instead? :)

15 Name: Citizen 2005-10-08 21:02 ID:Heaven

Your argument is retarded. Urbandictionary is a shitty dictionary because it has no real editors and the voting system is easily manipulated by interested groups. Dunno where you got that "remarkably well" from.

That wiki entry does not mention anything about the word being a noun. You saying that "is obviously a noun" does not make your initial assertion correct, either.

16 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-10-09 00:20 ID:CVodYfoR


  1. The part of speech that is used to name a person, place, thing, quality, or action and can function as the subject or object of a verb, the object of a preposition, or an appositive.

17 Name: Domingo Chavez!FpTygh5paU 2005-10-09 01:46 ID:hhNbBrUg

>>13 Do you honestly know shit about Communism? Or the reason it failed so horribly in the Soviet Union? If you are so wise, Please, Enlighten me on the real reason the Soviet Union failed.

18 Name: Citizen 2005-10-09 03:27 ID:YbV2BWa0

Because they tried to start a revolution before the requirements outlined by Marx and Engels in the Communist Manifesto were achieved. For example, ubiquitous worldwide trade, and instant communication. (Read the Manifesto yourself if you don't believe these predictions.)

No, you're retarded for relying on dictionaries written by old coots who don't know a longcat from a pedobear.

19 Name: Domingo Chavez!FpTygh5paU 2005-10-09 04:27 ID:hhNbBrUg

Thats not a good enough reason to cause a total collapse of one of the worlds 2 superpowers.

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