Beijing clamps down on Anonymouses (38)

30 Name: Hm 2005-10-22 19:49 ID:odCEb7Qp

I think its important for the world to know a few things about Chinese mentality. I'm chinese, been living in the states for a few years now.

First off, china has been ruled the same way, no matter which dynasty or which empire, since as long as there is chinese history. That continues today. The chinese are not interested in what their government is called, or how it resembles certain ideologies. They just want something that works. Now, that decision isnt made by the people, the government controls everything. Put simply, they do "what they think is right". Most of our historical figures are glorified by the government, and i mean way back to the dynastic states. The average person has no place in anything.

China isn't out to follow Communism or any other ideology, its just all talk because people need to put a label on something. You ask a chinese guy what kind of government he has he's not gonna say communism, or free market, or any technical term. He'll just describe it.

In the end the government will do whatever they think is best for themselves, and the country as a WHOLE. A few dissidents here and there, so a few thousand people die in mines, its all statistics to them, and the chinese people understand and accept this, simply because its always been like this, we don't know any different.

The government holds absolute authority in china, it may as well be an absolute monarchy, in fact, there's probably no more than 5 people thats pulling all the strings, the senate and meetings are really just for show

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