Gallery Fake Appreciation... (12)

1 Name: Random Anime Otaku 05/01/27(Thu)12:48 ID:45OBzXZ8,1670,fuigfj,gallery_fake.html

First Ep:

Firstly, the OP rocks. I think from the first episode's experience, that if you liked ROD TV, you will probably like this a lot. The basic idea is that its about the art trade, predominantly in New York.

What do you think?

2 Name: Mr VacBob!JqK7T7zan. 05/02/01(Tue)21:36 ID:fQYm2oZL

Gallery Fake is an exciting tale of revenge through winning at auctions and bootleg paintings, Engrish ragtime music, and complete lack of animation budgets.

3 Name: !WAHa.06x36 05/02/01(Tue)23:34 ID:NNjsMFrX

It was sort of amusing. I'd need to see a bit more to figure out if it's worth following, though.

Also, the translators butchered that biblical pun the old man made at the end, and it annoys me to no end.

4 Name: Random Anime Otaku 05/02/02(Wed)11:20 ID:Heaven

I actually found the manga if anyone cares. Might actually be better than the anime series.

Share Key:

(一般コミック) [細野不二彦] ギャラリーフェイク 第01-30巻.zip 1,636,330,531 179e000f007ebcad9b4f20e8266d1955125961ce

5 Name: !WAHa.06x36 05/02/02(Wed)15:18 ID:jO2jY2IS

The manga is quite old, isn't it?

6 Name: Kankneet 05/02/02(Wed)18:58 ID:Ml6eThdc

According to , it's been running since 1992.

7 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/02/02(Wed)19:26 ID:SpQmP4le

From what I heard, there's no plot nor character development in the manga. :/

8 Name: Random Anime Otaku 05/02/04(Fri)12:58 ID:Heaven

The author(=細野不二彦) is critical to Murakami Takashi.
We might be see the story that criticizes the artist like
Murakami in Gallery Fake.


The final story of this manga was published recently in japan.

9 Name: Random Anime Otaku 05/02/05(Sat)11:05 ID:Heaven

The author of Gallery Fake is the same as the author of "Gu-Gu Ganmo".

10 Name: Random Anime Otaku 05/02/13(Sun)05:02 ID:ihJ9A1YV


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11 Name: Anonymous!3HvYs9fYPg!!jHlguvSq 05/02/13(Sun)05:37 ID:Heaven


Enough SJIS crap from you for now.

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